Senile Diaper Soiling Ice Cream Eating Pedo Criminal Puppet Demands Congress End Social Media Immunity At WH Summit To Combat "Hate-Fueled Violence"
Another day, another attempt by the criminal “Biden” regime to leverage the illegitimate Federal government to intensify their full spectrum soft war against We the People; to wit:
All forms of hate fueled by violence have no place in America.
#PedoHitler added, mumbling his handler’s talking points at Thursday’s White House summit, citing shootings at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida in 2016, and the supermarket in Buffalo, New York earlier this year:
“White supremacists will not have the last word.”
He clearly forgot to call out “domestic terrorists” and “science deniers,” or perhaps the cocktail of dementia meds and stimulants were wearing off at the point in “his” speech, and/or the signal to his sub-cranial microphone started glitching.
#PedoHitler was able to add:
“I’m calling on Congress to get rid of special immunity for social media companies and impose much stronger transparency requirements on all of them.”
#PedoHitler was referencing Section 230 of the federal Communications Decency Act, which protects social media platforms from content liability.
Basically, this is more of the same technocommunist 1A free speech subversion that the One World Government controlled and owned White House is pushing for.
Anything the #PedoHitler administration disagrees with and/or considers critical of its unconstitutional “laws” and policies is labelled as violent extremism.
The only emergency, violent extremism and danger is the Federal government.
Do NOT comply.
Impressively presidential photo.
Title typo edited.