Apr 1, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

i cant understand the mentality of the people doing or supporting this, there must be something in the water, or food, or medicines, or jabs, or the masks?

hmm has anyone wondered about the combined cocktail of toxins and brain function?

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Apr 2, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Vaccine induced psychosis. It begins at birth in the US.

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Apr 1, 2022·edited Apr 2, 2022

I think it can fairly easily be explained as a case of the madness of a crowd, induced by decades-long control of politics, education, and the media by “the Cult”, a loose association of number of clans of predatorily sociopathic megalomaniacs.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

That last paragraph (above “do NOT comply”) is EPIC!

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

"Puberty blockers."

I mean, what are these people, sick, criminal, let's see your drug dealer license, mam.

What is next, Islamic "groomers" paid for via US taxes through the Department of Education.

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no one should be paying taxes. period. when 5% of Americans band together and stop paying theft taxes, another 10% will join them and then the system begins to repair.

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Apr 2, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

1913 again with the permanent income tax, Federal Reserve, and Popular election of formerly recallable Senators!

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Apr 2, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

As bad as the gender confusion is among kids, the fact that adults no longer know their role is so F’d up it doesn’t bode well for what’s left of humanity.

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How can it possibly be legal for whoever(doctor, nurse practitioner) to prescribe medication to an 11 year old without parental consent? And why was this woman suspended if she did not reveal the names of the students? OK, I'm kidding about the second question. Of course she was suspended. My other questions: Who will investigate this school system, and when will all employees of this system involved in this "treatment" be suspended?

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I want to sign up for the televised pay-per-view public trial and well deserved final "suspension" of the perps.

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Remember, "trans" beyond pretending means sterile for life, i.e. no reversing, no offsprings, mission accomplished.

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If true as reported by Nurse Cataford, and I expect it is true, then any administrators, staff, etc., of the Hartford Public Schools (HPS) System with knowledge of these practices should be prosecuted for sexual crimes against minors and medical treatments given to minors without notification to our permission of parents. These actions by HPS smell of the same pernicious, criminal experimental actions taken upon innocent victims by the WWII Nazis. However, the HPS crimes are worse as they are perpetrated upon the very young, whose lack of judgmental brain development negates any possibility of understanding the long range adverse genetic consequences of the crimes committed upon their young lives.

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So f***ed up. It’s the end of the world I swear to God.

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Be strong. Stay the course.

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Just watched some clips earlier. Key folks are too scared to speak out to define what makes a guy and what makes a woman.

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This is criminal. Heads should roll and charges laid.

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