WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
Aug 12, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
As a key neo- founding father (sorry "foundational person") please sign the biggest like John Hancock did. In future I want to be able to refer to the act of adding a signature to something as "adding your Second Smartest Guy in the World " ..
Well done! Although, unfortunately, it is not just the federal government that is oppressing us, as those of us who live in New York, California, and numerous other states are well aware. Even on the city and county level there is much tyranny, while we also suffer under the heel of multi-national corporations and international agencies. But it will be much easier to deal with them once we throw off the federal government's chains.
Outstandingly well written! Provides the substantiation in detail. Reminds me of some of the legal secession documents of Southern States when they seceded, forming independent sovereign nations. Their main cause was Federal Constitution violations, Federal gov’t failing to honor Constitution. There was no “Civil War”, nor “War Between the States”. There was a war between the US and several legal sovereign nations which then formed a Confederation of sovereign nations to remain independent nations. You don’t find that in your High School history.
Martin Armstrong https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/ says many nations including the US will break up during the next decade, dividing into traditional north v south lines. I can really see this happening. The type of people who believe in free speech, free trade and freedom of worship are just not going to be bullied into accepting a communist dictatorship.
The EU is corrupt to the core, it's a cancer that has grown larger and more ugly with every passing year. Europeans are not allowed to vote for direct representation, the ECB is broke and the WEF is trying to force a Nazi/communist style of rule. Schwab is a nutcase living in a delusional fantasy, his elite Swiss residency won't save him when the fighting starts. Already protests in Europe are violent, this will just expand to straight-out street fights, as people start to starve and freeze from insane climate change policies.
Washington like every other Western capitol city is run by arrogant elites who totally out of touch with their own people. They resemble Marie Antionette and will eventually find out what happened to her, and why.
Here in Australia we do not even recognise the lunatics who are parading around as our 'leaders'. Voter fraud, back room deals and outright corruption is the order of the day. Independent politicians say that the two major parties are totally controlled by representatives of the WEF (and no doubt Beijing and big pharma as well). Every weekend capitol cities in Australia (and around the world) are filled with protestors. 1 in every 4 shops in Melbourne are now abandoned, the streets are filled with beggars, while Nazi style police parade around on horseback.
Everyone I know is prepping for social breakdown. Many have fled to Mexico. Others are buying rural properties. So the struggles in America represent the struggles of the world. Nobody wants to live under an anti God, transgender, technocratic, autocratic one world government dictatorship.
I'm a retired nurse helping people stock up with medical supplies. Look at the following resources and set up your own resources. We are all in this together. God bless 🙏🏻
As a key neo- founding father (sorry "foundational person") please sign the biggest like John Hancock did. In future I want to be able to refer to the act of adding a signature to something as "adding your Second Smartest Guy in the World " ..
ask and ye shall receive.
Thank you, that was the greatest article I have read in the longest time.
Hear Hear !
Right on target 2ndSG !
Well done! Although, unfortunately, it is not just the federal government that is oppressing us, as those of us who live in New York, California, and numerous other states are well aware. Even on the city and county level there is much tyranny, while we also suffer under the heel of multi-national corporations and international agencies. But it will be much easier to deal with them once we throw off the federal government's chains.
No one is going to tell me how to live.
Christopher James and Common Law
Good article/inspiring.
The loathing one must feel/experience at the knowledge that our sadistic, cruel, violent,
lizard maniac class think they have the right to poison the bulk of humanity, starve them,
steal from them, and destroy ones' children by every vile means they can dream up?
This must be monumental in an enormity never before experienced by mankind in history.
Push comes to shove? I imagine they will just spray everyone, every where, with anthrax, or
some such. We are many, they are few, it is time to stop them with any means possible.
It is certainly not time to turn against our fellow man in some stupid civil war that Mr. Global,
would only relish. Women are involved in this too, spouting total nonsense so they might
also gain a seat at the table. The entirety of them are freakish monsters, demons from hell,
and it is up to us to send them back.
Outstandingly well written! Provides the substantiation in detail. Reminds me of some of the legal secession documents of Southern States when they seceded, forming independent sovereign nations. Their main cause was Federal Constitution violations, Federal gov’t failing to honor Constitution. There was no “Civil War”, nor “War Between the States”. There was a war between the US and several legal sovereign nations which then formed a Confederation of sovereign nations to remain independent nations. You don’t find that in your High School history.
Martin Armstrong https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/ says many nations including the US will break up during the next decade, dividing into traditional north v south lines. I can really see this happening. The type of people who believe in free speech, free trade and freedom of worship are just not going to be bullied into accepting a communist dictatorship.
The EU is corrupt to the core, it's a cancer that has grown larger and more ugly with every passing year. Europeans are not allowed to vote for direct representation, the ECB is broke and the WEF is trying to force a Nazi/communist style of rule. Schwab is a nutcase living in a delusional fantasy, his elite Swiss residency won't save him when the fighting starts. Already protests in Europe are violent, this will just expand to straight-out street fights, as people start to starve and freeze from insane climate change policies.
Washington like every other Western capitol city is run by arrogant elites who totally out of touch with their own people. They resemble Marie Antionette and will eventually find out what happened to her, and why.
Here in Australia we do not even recognise the lunatics who are parading around as our 'leaders'. Voter fraud, back room deals and outright corruption is the order of the day. Independent politicians say that the two major parties are totally controlled by representatives of the WEF (and no doubt Beijing and big pharma as well). Every weekend capitol cities in Australia (and around the world) are filled with protestors. 1 in every 4 shops in Melbourne are now abandoned, the streets are filled with beggars, while Nazi style police parade around on horseback.
Everyone I know is prepping for social breakdown. Many have fled to Mexico. Others are buying rural properties. So the struggles in America represent the struggles of the world. Nobody wants to live under an anti God, transgender, technocratic, autocratic one world government dictatorship.
I'm a retired nurse helping people stock up with medical supplies. Look at the following resources and set up your own resources. We are all in this together. God bless 🙏🏻