Reviewing the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto, we may conclude that Marxism is not only firmly entrenched in America, but is actually worsening by the day in the form of globalist technocommunism.
The below 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto have been reimagined as a kind of antidote that may give rise to a Constitutional Republic 2.0 with the associated restoration of the Bill of Rights.
The argument that the only law of the land is the Bill of Rights would actually bring America back to the original Anarchy (i.e. no rulers) model that the Founders desired in its truest sense; that is, an exceedingly limited Federal government as per the 10th Amendment, with all of the power and freedom going to both States’ Rights and, more importantly, We the People on a local and decentralized level.
Note that the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto were always intended to slot into a social credit score well before the technology was ready to primetime; the Fabian Society and their partners in crime planned and paid for the Bolshevik Revolution just as they had the Cultural Revolution we well as the Nazis.
In 1932 the publishing of Brave New World had already mapped out what is quite literally being perpetrated by the dynastic eugenicists of today. Similarly, technocommunism is being foisted on the planet by these very same dark forces in a kind of Bio-Intelligence-Industrial Complex convergence, or centrally planned transhumanist singularly.
1. Restoration of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose.
Allodial Title for property is what the Framers wanted for We The People. This is the only means to own real property free and clear of any superior landlord. Allodial title is alienable in nature. This is the only true private property ownership. It nullifies the 14th Amendment and its “eminent domain” power which allows for broad range of Federal government abusers like “environmental” claims. Allodial title also prevents "“asset forfeiture” which is theft under color of law. Allodial titles area also subject to exemptions from seizure due to debt or bankruptcy.
2. Repeal all income tax.
The 16th Amendment of 1913, the same year that the privately owned central bank was instituted in the Federal Reserve Act, is unconstitutional theft of the fruits of We the People’s labors. The IRS is an unconstitutional Marxist terrorist agency that backstops the Federal Reserve.
3. Abolish all inheritance tax.
Federal & State estate taxes and other inheritance taxes are not just theft, but they greatly suppress generational wealth. After a lifetime of being stolen from via income taxes, the final insult is to extract all that was saved, invested and accumulated for the next generation. There is no true private property with inheritance tax.
4. Cessation of confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
All government seizures, tax liens, and grants of private land to the Department of Urban Development, imprisonment of "terrorists" and those who speak out or write against the "government" (1997 Crime/Terrorist Bill); or the IRS confiscation of property without due process must be abolished.
5. End the Fed and decentralize credit in the hands of a private central bank with the exclusive monopoly on “state” capital.
The Federal Reserve System is a technocommunist takeover operation that transformed Americans into debt-slave tax donkeys. Manipulating interest rates (the price of money), inflation (a stealth tax), and conjuring more at counterfeiting money out of thin air is precisely what the Founders did not want for America. This is why Congress handed over their constitutional duties to coin and determine the value of money to a bankster owned "national bank" which has neither reserves nor is federal. Said Fed in 1980 illegally instituted a federal financial statute called the Monetary Control Act which in effect killed off the last vestiges of regional bank autonomy by forcing all small banks to abide by the Fed’s controlling policies. And with the imminent rollout of CBDC’s there has never been a more critical time to take back control of money.
6. Decentralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state.
Repeal the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Department of Transportation and the Interstate Commerce Commission (established by Congress in 1887), and the Federal Aviation Administration as well as Executive orders 11490, 10999. Free-market private enterprise must take back control of America’s communication and transportation, as well as the federal postal monopoly, AMTRAK and CONRAIL. The Federal government's regulatory-industiral complex must be rescinded.
7. Prohibit government ownership of factories and instruments of production; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
End all government involvement in agriculture in the form of price support subsidies and acreage alotments and land-use controls. End The Desert Entry Act and The Department of Agriculture. Shut down the Department of Commerce and Labor, Department of Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, and the IRS which control business through unconstitutional corporate regulations.
8. Ban all “equality” legislation, and prohibit government created industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
The Social Security Administration and The Department of Labor are running Ponzi schemes that are bankrupting future generations. Affirmative action, the Federal Public Works Program, Executive order 11000, The Equal Rights Amendment are all designed to social engineer society into further slavery under the specious pretenses of “equality” and national “emergency.”
9. Bar equable distribution of the population over the country end end all Federal government “national emergency” mandates related to “pandemics” and “climate emergencies” not limited to United Nations, WHO, WEF, nonprofits, et al. issues “emergencies” as well as corporate lobbying on the Federal government level.
The development of closer working relationships between major Federal grantmaking agencies and State and local government and improved coordination of the categorical grant system is wholly unconstitutional. The foreign nation of Washington, D.C. has no legal rights to issue said Executive orders 11647 and 11731. The Planning Reorganization Act of 1949 , zoning (Title 17 1910-1990) and Super Corporate Farms and Public "law" 89-136 all also undermine free markets and the freedoms of We the People. States Rights dictates that the Federal government may not impose national “health” emergencies, nor “climate” policies of any kind. Any UN, WHO, WEF or nonprofits from the likes of Gates, Soros, etc. initiatives, influence, advice or any meddling whatsoever on the Federal government level must be outlawed, as should corporate lobbying.
10. End free education for all children in government public schools.
The Department of Education is for all intents and purposes a radical Marxist government agency. Education is not a right, but a goods and service. When you have a child you do not expect others to feed and cloth your offspring, and similarly no one should be forced to pay for someone else’s child’s education. Public education has been shown to be miseducation and indoctrination camps, especially with the impositions of Common Core, CRT and the LGBT+ agenda. Young impressionable minds are now hyper-sexualized, medically mutilated, castrated and sterilized, and trained by these public schools to become debt-slave tax mules that hate America, “Trust the Science,” and empathically embrace a lifetime of mental subjugation.
Bonus 1:
Bonus 2 — how Communism was already a festering and rapidly metastasizing scourge within the illegitimate Federal government as far back as the 1940s:
Do NOT comply.
PS I am randomly posting on Substack’s new social media platform, and I suggest you support this burgeoning alternative to Twitter. See you on Notes!
For those who haven't visited Douglas Murray, he talks about the Destruction of the West (12 mins) John Anderson Interview - Equally important, is Jordan Peterson's Critique of the Communist Manifesto (29 Mins, Toronto 2019)
Everyone at 2SG knows this, but it is a good refresher and starting point for Doubters of Destruction™.
We need to also abolish the FDA and other like gov institutions and free health care from their clutches.