Published Paper on Unvaccinated Health Outcomes vs. Vaxxed
THE LIFESAVING CHRISTMAS SALE HAS BEEN EXTENDED UNTIL DECEMBER 29TH: The 1st peer-reviewed nationwide study showing vaxxed vs. unvaxxed long-term health outcomes. This is the TRUTH.
As if any additional proof were needed that the unvaccinated are far healthier than those that have been poisoned with the various vaccines, not just limited to the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapons, the following important article provides even more evidence that the Medical Industrial Complex is engaged in calculated iatrocide.
BEHOLD the “public health benefits” of the vaccine programs in America:
If you’re an American over the age of 18 who’s never been vaccinated (with anything, ever) your risk of even one chronic condition is less than 6%. If you’ve also avoided the “vitamin” K-shot injection (typically given at birth) AND your mother was not vaccinated during the pregnancy, your risk of one condition after the age of 18 drops down to 4.49%. The few conditions found in the unvaccinated were generally mild, i.e., one 84 year-old (who was otherwise perfectly healthy) reported early signs of cataract development. Similarly, non-life-threatening, and non debilitating issues were the only issues found in the unvaccinated population. No cancers, diabetes, arthritis, or heart disease were reported in the entirely unvaccinated adults. Based upon the random sample size, this means that the more serious conditions are below 0.09% in the entirely unvaccinated adult population.
However, vaccine-exposed Americans over the age of 18 carry a 60% risk of at least one chronic condition, with a 48% risk of heart disease, over 10% risk of diabetes, 18% risk of arthritis, and myriad other life-shortening and/or debilitating diseases, including MANY brain and neurological disorders. 42% of vaccine-exposed American adults are suffering from more than 1 condition, i.e., multiple conditions. And 12% of American adults are suffering from 5 or more conditions. The more chronic conditions (comorbidities) a person is suffering from, the more likely they are to DIE from ordinary (otherwise innocuous) “infections.” And clearly, the more health conditions one is suffering, the earlier they will likely arrive at their grave.
In the children’s graph, the national figures for the long-term health outcomes (in the 99.74% vaccine-exposed children) cited for this comparison graph were from 2015, (stale) listing 27% as suffering from chronic conditions and disabilities. More recent numbers show that well-over 50% of our 99% vaccine-exposed children are now suffering chronic health conditions. Back in 2001, it was estimated that the rate of childhood chronic conditions was DOUBLING every 12 years!
However, in the entirely unvaccinated population (children under the age of 18 in 2020) less than 6% were suffering from ANY conditions at all. Further, if they had also avoided injection with the “vitamin” K-shot at birth (which is full of the SAME immune-system-triggering aluminum oxides found in vaccines) AND they’d avoided pregnancy vaccine exposure, only 2.25% of the unvaccinated children suffered from ANY conditions. And again, in those who avoided all vaccine exposures, (before or after birth) as well as avoiding the K-shot, there were no serious health problems, no cancers, no diabetes, no “SIDS” deaths, no autism, etc. The few conditions found in this fortunate group (those who completely avoided any vaccines and all related injections) with the lowest risk of even 1 condition (at only 2.25%) were generally mild, i.e., no life-threatening conditions. SEE:
The peer-reviewed and published paper on the Control Group study is seen HERE. The DOI link is HERE.
These are just the numbers. Any rational person should be able to understand what these ACTUAL risk factors are telling us about the purported “health benefits” of indulging in pharma injections. And if this isn’t enough to make the point, consider the fact that, based upon the random sample size in the study, the inescapable mathematical conclusion is as follows:
There is only a 1 in THREE TIMES THE NUMBER OF ATOMS ESTIMATED TO EXIST IN THE UNIVERSE chance (At p<1/1.18E-83) that vaccines are NOT the CAUSE of well-over 90% of all deadly and disabling health problems and physical disorders suffered by Americans. Number of atoms estimated to exist in the universe (Villanueva, 2009) is based on modern refinements of Eddington’s “fine structure constant” (Aoyama et al., 2012)
Obviously, vaccines are not the only possible cause for the diseases outlined in this study. This study DID completely rule out vaccine exposures as a possible cause of the problems that were found in the entirely unvaccinated, and it showed that remaining entirely unexposed to these injections produces a staggering over-all reduction in the risk of developing ANY conditions. (NOTE: Personal risks will obviously increase with the number of exposures, and decrease with LESS exposures.)
This study clearly demonstrates that vaccines are the PRIMARY cause of our current epidemic of immune-mediated diseases and disorders, expressing themselves as heart damage, cancers, diabetes, arthritis, brain and nervous system damage, life-threatening allergies, lupus and other immune disorders, thyroid problems, major organ failures, etc.
Once the immune system is “triggered” into action AGAINST THE HOST’S OWN TISSUES, there is no part of the body or system which remains “immune” from this internal attack. And the victim’s immune system is NOT going to be fighting what it should be fighting when it’s busy attacking the victim’s own tissues and systems. These are not “rare” side effects. These are conditions which promise an EARLY GRAVE, i.e., these are “co-morbidities”, which also expose the victim to the risk of developing myriad additional agonizing conditions on their way to that early grave.
And your lying doctors will ALWAYS tell you there’s “no way vaccines caused it” while they offer you ever-more dangerous and expensive treatments - which cause even MORE problems - but NEVER a cure. Just EXACTLY how do they know vaccines cannot cause these long-term health problems? They have ZERO evidence to support their LIES because they don’t have a SINGLE long-term health study they can point to with which to REFUTE the Control Group study. Wearing a blindfold during the slaughter is only evidence of mens rea.
PLEASE SHARE this imperative data with those who still trust vaccines. And share it with any “health” professionals you might know. At a minimum, let them know that YOU KNOW the truth. Because NONE of our health agencies have ever ONCE so much as inquired into the long-term health effects of vaccine exposure, they have nothing with which to refute ANY of the findings in this study. Again, wearing a blindfold during this mass vaccination experiment is NOT “evidence” of innocence. It is only evidence of mens rea.
Our best chance of defeating this pharma spell is for the masses to become aware of the TRUTH, and to therefore STOP COMPLYING. Once made aware of the TRUE risks of vaccine exposure, no rational person would ever again take any of these injections.
Joy Garner, founder of The Control Group
There is no possible way to restore vaccine confidence ever again, and the only way forward is to ban them all outright forever; to wit:
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They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
Great overview of vaxxed vs unvaxxed. Scientists have long- known that Amish are healthiest people and do not get vaxxed.
Stop vaccinating your pets, too. I don’t understand why people who can see what is going on with Big Pharma still take their pets in for the poison. Just say “no”. You can do it.