Jun 8, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I think we all would like to see some people abducted.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

PSY-OP wildfires: eco-terrorists (government and non-government sanctioned), military, and homeless junkies cooking meth on freeway shoulders

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Lamestream Media: "The UFOs are landing!"

Conspiracy theorists: "No, they're not."

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Alien abducted the "A" in my title, but it's now edited.

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OMG I just less than an hour ago watched a totally unrelated video that included a lengthy clip from von Braun’s assistant carol rosin in which she details this very quote.


Twice seeing this same quote in an hour in different places means it’s coming true! (Lol just kidding, but what a coincidence.)

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Project Blue Beam

This is the most amazing footage ever seen of UFOs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89sPPm5-FPI

Is it computer graphics? The buttons in the cockpit look too clean to be real.

Yet, when the jet turns to the right the transparent screen shows the move and there’s an alarm. It’s very realistic but he’s pointing completely down at timestamp 2.32 instead of making a U turn and there’s no change in the cockpit sound, in spite of increased acceleration.

How could he make those manoeuvrers positioning below the UFO, while filming with a cellphone on one hand?

Especially, after watching it in slow motion, it’s clear that it is fake. Why would anyone spend a lot of time designing this video, without adds to recover costs? Why this psy-op?

Imported by mason Truman, together with many other Nazis, Dr. Wernher Von Braun confessed in 1977 that, in order to weaponize space they prepared 4 fake enemies to control the Earth from space and space itself:

1. A foreign threat: Reagan’s Star Wars program against the USSR

2. A poor rogue nation threat: terrorism (Bin Laden): check 9-11 fake attack chapter (2 planes, 3 towers).

3. Asteroids

4. “the last card is the extraterrestrials card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie.” 1

NASA was headed by another Operation Paperclip Nazi: Kurt H. Debus. NASA funded a program attended by 24 theologians to assess religions would react to alien contact. They could plant fake alien artefacts under ancient historical sites to change the biblical account on the origin of man (even atheists like Richard Dawkins have claimed an alien origin).

Jack Parsons, leading the Jet Propulsion Labs (aka Jack Parsons Labs), had NO professional rocket science training, but suddenly emerged in the 1940s and 1950s as one of the leading rocket engineers. Declassified FBI documents tell us he got it from summoning demonic entities, most infamously at his Babylon Working ceremony.2 “The Babalon Working was a series of magic ceremonies or rituals performed from January to March 1946 by author, pioneer rocket-fuel scientist and occultist Jack Parsons and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. This ritual was essentially designed to manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called Babalon. The project was based on the ideas of (satanist) Aleister Crowley, and his description of a similar project in his 1917 novel Moonchild. Almost immediately after Parsons declared that the first of the series of rituals was complete and successful, he met Marjorie Cameron in his own home, and regarded her as the elemental that he and Hubbard had called through the ritual. Soon Parsons began the next stage of the series, an attempt to conceive a child through sex magic workings. Although no child was conceived, this did not affect the result of the ritual to that point. Parsons and Cameron, who Parsons now regarded as the Scarlet Woman, Babalon, called forth by the ritual, soon married. Crowley was in correspondence with Parsons during the course of the Babalon Working, and warned Parsons of his potential overreactions to the magic he was performing...”3

The Collins Elite were a group of high level government agents who repeated the demonic ceremonies of Jack Parsons. Interestingly, there is almost ZERO record of the Collins Elite if you search Google…completely wiped out. You will find it on DuckDuckGo.4

Concluding, the alien con could be tied to satanism in NASA and JPL.

Scientifically proven: no material aliens have been found. The whole universe has been deep scanned in all wavelengths without any result. Yet, we are NOT alone.

For Bible believers, it is clear: the only physical beings with immortal souls are humans. Still, that doesn’t stop fallen angels (demons) to create illusions or even material objects or beings. Angels can form apparently living bodies out of thin air, either in the shape of humans, donkey or snake. Since they can’t create life, they fake it as holding a puppet or meat glove. So when people talk about inter or multi-dimensional ETs they might be referring to demons, but they are not interdimensional since they live in the only unique universe we share.


13 Mar 1997 Phoenix lights.5

10 Nov 2010 Phoenix lights: just flares.6

09 Oct 2015 Chinese hologram of a flying city.7

24 May 2019 Holo-dragon in South Koriea. 8

24 Sep 2020 Green beams in Milton Keynes, UK. 9

05 Jun 2022 Queen Elizabeth’s hologram.10

Especially since the 70s, we are being bombarded with alien movies, series, songs, etc. Obama and Netflix push that there are UFOs in US airspace.

“During the 1990s, Laurance Rockefeller—of the prominent Rockefeller family—pushed for the government to release any classified information on UFOs and aliens. Known today as the Rockefeller Initiative, the effort involved a series of well-funded projects but also included direct lobbying of the Clinton administration, in which Podesta was involved. (Who can forget the disorienting photo of Hillary Clinton holding the book Are We Alone? Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life—which was taken at the Rockefeller compound in Wyoming.) Little came of it, though documents related to Rockefeller’s campaign were released under the Freedom of Information Act in recent years.”11

Thousands of documents released under FOIA also indicate that many U.S. intelligence agencies collected (and still collect) information on UFOs. These agencies include the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), FBI, CIA, National Security Agency (NSA), as well as military intelligence agencies of the Army and U.S. Navy, in addition to the Air Force.” 12

Something’s on, with UFOs. Among sightings in many countries, “US investigations into UFOs include:

• 1947-1970. Project Blue Book, ex Project Sign and Project Grudge, by the USAF

• 1948-1951. The secret U.S. Army/Air Force Project Twinkle investigation into green fireballs.

• 1946-1947. Ghost rockets investigations by the Swedish, UK, U.S., and Greek militaries.

• 1952-1953. The secret CIA Office of Scientific Investigation (OS/I) study.

• 1953. The secret CIA Robertson Panel.

• 1951-1954. The secret USAF Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14 by the Battelle Memorial Institute.

• 1960. The Brookings Report commissioned by NASA.

• 1966-1968. The public Condon Committee.

• 1968. The private, internal RAND Corporation study.

• 1970. Air Force closed Project Blue Book – UFO investigation by Gerald Ford. 13

• 1998. The private Sturrock panel.

• 2007-2012. The secret Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP). $22 million budget in 2008.

• 2017. The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), by the United States Office of Naval Intelligence (ODNI).

• 29 Apr 2020. The Pentagon officially releases UFO videos. 14

25 Jun 2021. The Pentagon ODNI Report: “not conclusive” with 144 observations of "unidentified aerial phenomena" by the U.S Armed Forces, mostly from U.S. Navy personnel, from 2004 to 2021: 15

• Airborne Clutter: These objects include birds, balloons, recreational unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), or airborne debris like plastic bags that muddle a scene and affect an operator's ability to identify true targets, such as enemy aircraft.

• Natural Atmospheric Phenomena: Natural atmospheric phenomena includes ice crystals, moisture, and thermal fluctuations that may register on some infrared and radar systems.

• USG or Industry Developmental Programs: Some UAP observations could be attributable to developments and classified programs by U.S. entities. The report was unable to confirm, however, that these systems accounted for any of the UAP reports we collected.

• Foreign Adversary Systems: Some UAP may be technologies deployed by China, Russia, another nation, or a non-governmental entity.

• Other: Although most of the UAP described in our dataset probably remain unidentified due to limited data or challenges to collection processing or analysis, we may require additional scientific knowledge to successfully collect on, analyze and characterize some of them.

23 Nov 2021. The Pentagon created the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group, to investigate UFOs that may compromise the airspace of the United States (including balloons).16

2022. USA’s first public hearing on UFOs in 50 years, leaded by mason Adam Schiff and the US House Intelligence Committee's Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee. 17

2022. NASA UFO task force. 18

2023. NASA UFO report: didn’t find anything


They could be planning an alien guided crisis towards world government:

• Demonic or holographic UFOs, or Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and Krishna merging into one in sky, ETs. 19

• Demonic or beamed voices into brains to make believe God is speaking to them (priming for an anti-Christ, Mahdi, etc.).20

It’s no coincidence that mason Obama said in 2021: “And so I would hope that the knowledge that there were aliens out there would solidify people’s sense that what we have in common is a little more important, but no doubt there would be immediate arguments about like, well, we need to spend a lot more money on weapons systems to defend ourselves, new religions would pop up.” 21

We don’t know all the reasons behind the 5G supported chemtrail mesh or why haccinated emit Bluetooth signals and even the unvaxxed show graphene magnetism in their foreheads. It could be related… or not.

Is it just paranoia? There seems to be a logical trail of facts pointing in one direction: if it happens, it would be just another conspiracy theory turning out to be a confirmed fact.

Will soon post more here:


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In Canada they have morons running around setting bush fires. The media and government have replaced arson with wildfires. Lol. Climate lockdown coming soon.

At least we get to give a payback to you Yanks. You remember, the spill in Ohio? Eat smoke liberals in New yark. Lol

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Mars Attacks!! Ack! Ack! Ack! Ack! Ack!…

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Newscasters in the Twitter clip: the 10 foot creature might have hopped into an SUV that's been driving around.

Also newscasters: The cops couldn't film the backyard because that's "private property," even while they are filming in front of the house, which is also private property.

Just when you think this clown world couldn't get more clownish, but of course the aliens are here, just on cue, right after the "whistleblower" with no evidence spills his guts on the Pentagon.

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If these aliens are pedophiles, I think they are already positioned to move right into roles of political leadership.

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I really expected better quality production from HAARPo & Hollywood holigrapghic tech working together. They've proven that they can do much better than this on the Global Sky Military Television Network.

8',10',do I hear twelve feet? I'm betting the clowns behind this have 2 feet.

I can just see a Hollywood sequel-

"Cut Me Off at the Knees & Call Me Tripod🐙-Pretty Close Encounters Part2"

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That's funny. Police saying 'next time you handle it; don't call us' or to that effect. I expect the ship was just looking for my yard for yesterday's (June 07) post and just screwed up with their back yard navigation. Use a Garmin next time guys. Smiles.

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Anyone else cringing at the stupidity of it all? I would laugh, but they sicken me.

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Thanks 2nd.

Fascinating, that as more folk are waking up to just how extensive the scamdemic really was & is.

The more far fetched & ludicrous the distraction stories grow & proliferate.

Standing by for the swathe of ex FBI, CIA. DHS & DOD persons to reappear to back up the latest fairy tale.

Of course absolutely zero whatsoever to distract everyone's attention from the horrendous & massive increase in excess mortalities worldwide?? !!

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According to Bongino, anytime the heat is turned up on dopey Joe, the distractions start.

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Reading all the comments up to 5:19 p.m.---love all you folks. Such fun, so many laughs. Thank you all for lightening my day.

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