All by design:
The irony here is that the UN is a critical Cabal node that has been actively orchestrating all of the One World Government psyops to date en route to their 4th Industrial Revolution Great Postuhuman Reset which requires depopulation via DEATHVAX™, famine, hyperinflation, the upcoming PSYOP-22, etc. & etc.
Prepare accordingly.
Do NOT comply.
We have been stocking up on food, water, and other necessities since all this madness has gone on. We moved to a small town as well where we are trying to get to know local farmers and buy goods from them. I feel for those who have to remain in large metro areas as it might not remain a safe place. We are transforming our lawn into a garden. All of this takes time, energy, and forethought.
Still, most people would rather stand in line for their share of bug soup rather than start a garden.