As has been forewarned here many a time now, the next “pandemic” will be unleashed for maximum synergy with the current Psyops as well as future ones. The convergence is accelerating.
My thesis that PSYOP-22 (BA2.2 “variant”) would be rolled out shortly after the USSA midterm elections may actually be wrong. It may just be that PSYOP-22 will prevent the midterms from even happening since the Radical Party has no chance of winning even with their extensive cheating operations.
Igor Chudov just wrote an article breaking down the trends from Hong Kong to now Australia — the most DEATHVAXXED™ nations are the ones that will incur the greatest VAIDS and Depopulation and Control. Expect all cause i.e. “vax” cause mortality to surge in these nations, and accordingly in the USSA the most “vaxxed” states are weeks away from getting this latest “variant”. As predicted, Lockdowns 2.0 will follow, thus preventing voting, and accelerating hyperinflation with new rounds of government token handouts from gas checks to $1,600 or inflation adjusted $2,300 bailout checks to full-blown ‘vax” passport linked UBI. And of course ad infinitum boosters.
An imminent PSYOP-22 “pandemic” will kick off the summer of dystopia.
I sincerely hope I am wrong.
Do NOT comply.
Some believe the COVID "vaccines" are ineffective and they actually increase the chances of catching the COVID "virus" by weakening immunity. The rest of us know the COVID "vaccines" CAUSE illness and death all by themselves in perfectly healthy people.
Every time you hear about a variant, realize that they're almost identical, 98+% and somehow sars 1 had cross immunity despite it only being 80% identical..
I used to wonder what's going on... Ahh you see every variant is just another invented version of an invented disease... But they got the proof, oh wait no... 2020 total deaths were in line with past years and avg age of covid death was around life expectancy...
So hmm like the Spanish flu, the sick were the ones who were taking snake oil like tb shots etc