The scarf wearing mendacious government apparatchik Dr. Birx recently admitted that she is a liar. She and her partner in crime Dr. Mengele 2.0 aka Dr. Fauci were making it all up regarding their nonsensical 15 days to flatten the curve, social distancing, etc. lockdown protocols.
And now we get the partial truth about the DEATHVAX™; to wit:

From 95% “protection” against infection to 0%.
Or do you think a pathological liar like Birx can be trusted on any of her claims?
But her lying must go on for now, until this sociopathic murderer at some point will admit that these deadly gene therapy injections will not “protect” against severe disease and hospitalization.
Expect the mea culpas and admissions that the DEATHVAX™ may after all just be a slow kill bioweapon as the all-cause mortality and adverse events explode even higher.
Speaking of pathological liars and coverups, Fauci is now “open-minded” about the lab leak theory:
These people are murderous criminals.
Do NOT comply.
When are people going to realize that the vast majority of "medical" treatments is also part of the mass murder?
Everything they done was to help people was actually to murder them.
The jabs = death
The masks = reduced immunity, death
Molnupiravir = mutagenic
Paxlovid = keeps the virus symptoms at bay whilst it replicates
Testing = delivering more poison to the mucosa