Poking Holes in the Brain-Blood Barrier. Is that such a good idea?
Vaccine Safety Myth - Current Covid vaccines inevitably stimulate immune attacks against the BBB risking neurodegenerative illnesses like Alzheimer Disease
For over a year now, the concern about Covid vaccines adverse effects on our vascular system has been haunting me.
On Team Reality, many of my biologist friends took a very different route of investigation than mine. They all dove into arcane science - well beyond my reach, I admit - trying to explain the extremely wide diversity of pathologies - strokes, myocarditis, thrombosis, neurological disorders, feet blister, tinnitus … - through a rich spectrum of microbiological processes. And indeed it is quite mind stretching to grasp what - and how - the same nanoparticles would trigger such distinct pathologies.
However, most scientists have ignored three very fundamental, numerically significant and factual traits about these vaccines:
As 70-80% of the LNPs leak away from muscle tissues into the blood stream, the circulatory system becomes not only their main receptacle, but likely the area where the vast majority of transfections occurs. As such pathologies necessarily originate from vascular damage where ever they take place.
All the billions of transfected endothelial cells, core constituents of our blood vessels, will end up being attacked and destroyed by the immune system. Both T-cells and NK cells can be trusted, no conjecture. If immunised, naturally or via a prior vaccine injection, the immune attack will be massive and very rapid, within a few hours. Literally “skinning alive” in the inner lining of our blood vessels.
As I explained in “Vaccine Russian Roulette”, pathologies inevitably occur not when immune attacks are distributed and diffuse (leaving time for repair), but more likely when they are concentrated, seriously disrupting the endothelial balance: making repair long and uneven, mimicking a cut in the blood vessel, triggering significant coagulation, exposing normally protected cells to the dangers of the flow of blood and kick-starting a variety of deleterious processes: arteries caving in, calcification, inflammation...some more immediate, some possibly more long term.
In the next few lines, I will highlight why I believe:
These vaccines have the potential to create a wave of neurodegenerative diseases, adding a new urgency to stop the vaccine dystopia.
Brain Vasculature Should be the Prime Target of LNPs
Utilising 20% of the body’s energy, the humain brain contains ~650 kilometers of blood vessels, roughly 6 times the lungs’ own vascular system. As such it would be natural that the brain would face the most endothelial risk in the human body.
When the data about the LNP distribution came out last year, most of us naturally focused on the organs where most of the nanoparticles seemed to be principally localised: liver, spleen, ovaries, heart, lungs … Strangely, the brain seemed relatively untouched with a peak estimate at 2 million nanoparticles in the brain, whereas the lungs seem to retain 6 times more vaccine particles... an inverted proportion.
There’s an acute difference between the brain and other organs: As a vascular system, the brain-blood-barrier (BBB) is a much tighter assembly of specialised endothelial cells than the rest of the circulatory system.
The BBB controls what penetrates the brain much more tightly and rigourously. In other words, vaccine particles can come in and out freely in most organs, not in the brain. As long as the brain-blood barrier is leak-proof, very limited quantities of lipid nanoparticles - or pseudo-virus vectors - will penetrate the brain.
As we have witnessed with the escape from the injection point, it doesn’t mean necessarily that tissues are favourable to transfection…so a significant proportion of cytotoxic LNPs accounted for in Chart 1 aren’t necessarily synonymous with severity. Indeed, they might leak back into the lymphatic system and the blood stream later on.
What I am trying to say is that it might seem from Chart 1 that the brain is not so much at risk, but effectively it probably is. Simply the brain isn’t storing LNPs in the tissue the way muscles or the heart might…and therefore the 2 million LNPs accounted for in the brain are likely transfected BBB endothelial cells !
For the record 2 million endothelial cells represent a surface of 26 sq.cm. on a grand total of 12 sq.m. of BBB surface at each injection for Pfizer only. Moderna, AstraZeneca and Jenssen risk 75 sq.cm. at each injection. Between 0.02% and 0.06% of the surface seems negligible, but over time ever the mightiest of ship will sink if a tiny leak isn’t repaired.
Worse, as discussed in one of my last recent articles, an accidental intravenous injection would increase 100-fold the transfection potential, significantly increasing the direct or indirect risk of harm to the brain.
Whatever the scenario, at each injection, particularly when the schedule has been very short - i.e. leaving no time for repair - a significant risk exists in poking permanent small holes into the shield that protects our brain.
The brain-blood-barrier is a highly sophisticated platform dedicated entirely to the protection of the human brain. There can be no doubt that protecting the brain and the cerebrospinal fluid - in which the brain is maintained - serves a critical survival purpose.
The work of Professor Burkhardt, German Pathologist, has shown the potential vascular damage of these vaccines on the arteries; evidently similar harm can be inflicted by these Covid vaccines on the brain’s vascular system.
Despite the body’s incredible repair capabilities, we know from scarred skin tissue that repairing heavy cellular damage often ends up with diminished functionalities or flexibility. It is therefore logical - and probable - that the same cause that created arterial damage upstream from the brain, would trigger a comparable deleterious effect on the BBB, threatening the brain’s tightly controlled flow between the blood and the brain.
The depiction of neurodegenerative disorders by today’s researchers ressembles very much what I have been describing happening in other parts of the circulatory system, except here it triggers a different domino effect…harming pericytes, breaking up the interstitial fluid flow, letting in albumin, etc… but the root cause remains endothelial harm.
For the past few decades, teams throughout the world have investigated the consequences of BBB breakdown. Here is an accessible American Scientific article you might enjoy. What these teams have found is a correlation between BBB permeability and neurodegenerative diseases.
The location of the BBB leak determines the type of degenerative disease:
Hippocampus → mild cognitive impairment
Grey & white matter → Alzheimer disease
Basal ganglia → Parkinson disease
Caudate nucleus → Huntington disease
Perivascular lesions → multiple sclerosis
The location of the transfection and its concentration on the endothelial surfaces continue to explain well the adverse effects we have witnessed these past 15 months:
Heart → myocarditis and pericarditis,
Lungs→ pulmonary embolism,
Aorta and arteries → thrombosis, strokes and arterial collapse,
Liver → hepatitis
Tendons → tendonitis
The same damage to the BBB - concentrated enough - would inevitably create permanent leaks into the brain, that over time, depending on the severity of the leak, will probably trigger another global epidemic of neurodegenerative diseases.
Though the slow deterioration of the BBB is likely a natural progressive consequence of living a long life (see picture below)…
…it is utterly unacceptable that vaccine manufacturers and public health authorities did not consider the potential damage to the BBB and the atrocious consequences over the lives of millions who will ultimately suffer of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer, Parkinson and epilepsy.
In my close friends:
one has been suffering for Parkinson disease for 15 years
another one has two of her parents progressively slipping into Alzheimer dementia
two different couples have to deal daily with the torment of seeing one’s child suffering from autism (is autism also caused by BBB leakage?)
Neurodegenerative disease doesn’t fall only on the very old, far from it…
The more sophisticated our healthcare, the more neurodegenerative diseases surround us.
It is quite obvious to me that we need to overhaul entirely our public health view of vaccines technologies - and their delivery - to avoid further collective damage, notably via damage to the brain-blood barrier.
The question that inevitably comes to mind is:
Have past vaccines been the cause behind the explosion1 of neurodegenerative diseases these past decades? It sure is an hypothesis worth investigating.
Have we now made things much worse by precipitating the vaccination of the entire world? Unfortunately, it’s very likely…
Thanks for taking the time to read me. Please make sure you share wide and far.
Do NOT comply.
Hey 2ndSG, sorry for the long time without commenting or "smashing"(!) that like button, hope all is well.
So, we are truly in Mad Max territory here in France. I've been without Internet again because criminals have dug up 2km of copper cables underground that "power" our ADSL. Just brilliant. It's rapidly turning into South Africa and I am sure this is just the start. It's a good thing I don't work from home and use the Internet to do all my work....wait, that's not true. Nevermind.
Anyway, I have a breaking exclusive for you. I was out in the garden earlier enjoying a beer. We have very dark skies here and you can often see the Milky Way on a clear night. Suddenly, an object flew overhead. It was bright, bright white, it was "pushing" a bullet-shaped cloud in front of it and it had a "rod" flying alongside it.
I hate smart phones and only ever use one to make Whatsapp calls, and I was damned if I was going to run inside to get my phone and not watch this thing, which was moving at a ridiculous speed. Instead you will have to make do with this mockup I made: https://i.imgur.com/tWfU7P3.jpg
I have no idea what a hypersonic missile and a MIRV swarm looks like, but if I were to visualize it, it would look exactly like what I saw. It was heading East to West.
For the record, it was silent. COMPLETELY silent. I watch the sky and have never seen anything like this in all my life. For reference, I would say the "object" was around 50x "bigger" than a satellite or normal star. It was travelling far, far faster than any plane could.
My initial thought upon seeing it was the Norway Spiral. No question it was some kind of missile/rocket.
I immediately started a thread on 4Chan, got the usual round of mockery, then some anon from the UK corroborated my experience and said:
"My brother got this on video earlier, around dusk.
Its going to be all over the internet soon.
Very odd, a cloud moving in front of a bright light, couldn't tell how far away it was."
As I was replying to him/her, the jannies nuked the thread for no reason. This may be big news very soon. Any questions please let me know.
Dr. Chris Exley, is an aluminum expert, and was recently cancelled (fired) for questioning vaccine safety at Keele University. Exley believes aluminum is the primary cause of Alzheimer's. Most traditional (non-mRNA) vaccines use aluminum as an "adjuvant" in order to "boost" antibody production. Alternative scientists question the importance of antibodies and some wonder if antibodies are actually a sign of toxicity, not a protective immune response.