Perfect Storm: 80% of All US Dollars in Existence Were Printed Over the Last 2 Years, while One-Third Of US Workers Make Less Than $15 An Hour
True inflation is currently well north of 15% which qualifies as hyperinflation given the rate of price increases, and this devastating manufactured occurrence will only accelerate.
PSYOP-19 lay the groundwork for what is coming, as the central banks were provided the perfect “pandemic” excuse to conjure ever more fiat out of thin air, backed by nothing more than ever increasing unsustainable debt. In just the last 22 months the privately owned, unconstitutional and wholly criminal Federal Reserve “Bank” engaged in direct hyperinflationary policy. In January 2020 The Fed went from $4 trillion on their asset books to $20 trillion in October 2021.
We have previously established in Original Social Engineering Sin that income taxes are illegal, and as such are theft, while also showing that inflation is a direct function of money printing and also constitutes a “stealth tax”.
Between the privately owned IRS and the privately owned Fed, We the People are being decimated. As such, before ever more finally wake up from their State brainwashing, a “final solution” must be meted out by the Cult if the Great Reset 4th Industrial Revolution into technocratic posthuman dystopia is to be attained. Enter PSYOP-19 and the critically important DEATHVAX™ for the Depopulation and Control program.
Hyperinflation plus poverty equals death, depression, and Universal Basic Income (UBI). With each dollar being devalued by the criminal Fed every single millisecond of every business day, that $15 per hour wage buys less and less in basic necessities.
And now we have a new study by the corrupt radical left Oxfam America, which purports itself to be an “anti-poverty” and “pro-equality” organization that is funded by all the usual Cult players and is staffed by the same useful idiot social justice warriors, dropped some horror-show data in their recent study entitled, “The crisis of low wages in the US”:
"It's shameful that at a time when many US companies are boasting record profits, some of the hardest working people in this country -- especially people who keep our economy and society functioning -- are struggling to get by and falling behind," Kaitlyn Henderson, the study's author and senior research adviser at Oxfam America, told CNN.
Of course, this was all by design. This is how UBI gets ushered in. And with Oxfam America, which has ties to the critical One World Government node known as the United Nations, they are concurrently pushing the “Climate Change” scam which perfectly integrates with CBDC UBI, “vax” passports, and ultimately social credit score passports.
With 31.9% of the US workforce, or about 51.9 million workers, earning less than $15 an hour, which is equivalent to less than $31,200, all while hyperinflation relentlessly devalues that “income” as the very corporations paying those unlivable wages forces employees to get DEATHVAXXED™, as gasoline and housing prices surge, as “income taxes” creep up, and food prices undergo simultaneous inflation and shrinkflation a perfect storm of hell on earth is being perpetrated for the slaves whose lifespans have been greatly shortened by the injectable bioweapons. And wages are not keeping up with the official inflation-adjusted numbers, but they’re really going extremely negative in terms of actual inflation.
“Building Back Better” indeed, when “better” means poverty straight to full-blown slavery and early graves all while continuing to pay taxes under threat of violence, and taking deadly injections under threat of violence, and thinking right to get the social credit score to release UBI and/or keep the slave gig under threat of violence, and so on and so forth.
The solutions would be exceedingly simple to restore freedom and alleviate the needless struggling of wage earners:
End the Fed
End the IRS
Shrink the Federal Government down by 90%
Solutions so simple that the criminal Cabal running the planet and the USSA would literally kill to prevent; see: JFK, etc.
Expect far worse PSYOP-22, PSYOP-CYBERWAR-22, PSYOP-POWER-GRID-22, and ever more false flags IF we comply.
Do NOT comply.
“I believe we are living here now at this crossroads for a reason. I believe we are meant to be here; that we are being given a chance to be the right people in the right place at the right time. I believe that we can end this evil, but only if we dare to try. It begins with one simple step: Telling the world We Will Not Comply!”
-Brandon Smith
The anger and the truth oozing from this post is palpable