NEW - Paving The Way For PSYOP-22: Chairwoman of the Green Party announces that 2G rules, the exclusion of unvaccinated people, will again become part of a legally binding packageof COVID measures in
The imminent follow up "pandemic" is not being busily prepped in plain sight:
The adult incontinence diaper soiling, ice cream eating, pedo criminal’s administration is attempting to bring back mask mandates for airlines and public transportation next week while Dr. Mengele 2.0 “I am science incarnate” Dr. Fauci has been making the MSM rounds admitting that upcoming mask mandates are necessary as a form of State control. Yes, he came right out and said it. So much for actual science, not that any of this was ever about actual science or public health. Quite the opposite.
And it is precisely because the DEATHVAX™ is working in ways that it is not supposed to that masking is back in the communist state of California, and coming soon to other radical leftist states near you:
Between leftist States like New York and California, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and the rest of the Eurozone it is now becoming painfully obvious that a new fake plague is being normalized ahead of even more draconian lockdowns, social credit score “vax” passports, forced DEATHVAX™ 2.0 injections, social distancing and compliance masking.
Because “climate change” and “domestic terror” and “antivaxxers” and insert WHO/WEF/UN/etc. State propaganda (______) du jour.
Do NOT comply.
I live in a blue state in a town so blue that it is not visible to most species of frogs … my observation is that even the true believers are having trouble keeping up the charade … the ones who vowed manically to “always” wear masks (as a result of their caring for people so much) are not really wearing them much these days. In my weirdly blue town, the mask wearers huddle together in distant sections of outdoor sporting event venues looking very freakish. Even HERE they cannot pull it off. The reaction to monkeypox was almost nil. Humans are terrible test subjects for repeated experiments… I think Schwab had one chance and he blew it on a virus too weak to kill even one out of a hundred no matter how untreated or old or previously infirmed the victims were. So many awake and in resistance now. Next attempt will be social credit or something technologically authoritarian… it will take time though to pull that off … they are regrouping now, aware that we aren’t as sheeplike as we looked from a distance … God Himself knows the future but from my little seat in the theater, it doesn’t look immediately promising for the bad guys
Cull needs to culled himself! Hopefully he will be double booster clot shotted by fall! I’m so tired of this insanity! They are finding plastic particles in peoples lungs from the cheap China crap masks! Tell these idiots to FOAD!