Another day, another tragic story of an elite athlete murdered by the Death Injections.
Olympic gold medalist Szilveszter Csollany, 51, died shortly after receiving his “Covid-19” “vaccination”.
“He was admitted to the hospital in December 2021 after supposedly expressing “anti-vaccination views on social media.”
After Csollany later died after many weeks on a ventilator in the ICU, Sky News and other big mainstream media outlets took the opportunity to blame the Olympic champion’s death on his refusal to get vaccinated. However, the only problem is that Csollany did get the jab because he had no other choice if he wanted to continue his career.
Despite having reservations about getting vaccinated, the champion was forced to get vaccinated or lose his career. Tragically, Csollany passed away shortly after getting the jab.”
Read more here.
Another day, another reality inversion cover up.
The Cult’s propaganda nodes incessantly program the planet day after day: War is Peace. Safe & Effective. Freedom is Slavery. “Covid”. Ignorance is Strength.
Comply and YOU Die.
It would have been so much worse if he hadn't been vaccinated though, right?
He knew better. He complied and died.
No self respect. I have no respect for him and his cowardice