Not only do masks do absolutely nothing to prevent a 0.1 micron virion from infecting you or preventing transmission, but they actually cause bacterial pneumonia which Fauci personally published a research paper on regarding the root cause of deaths during the 1918 pandemic, rot mouth, hypoxia, cancer, MK-Ultra mental issues, etc. & etc.
The criminal NY Times will shortly sound the imminent PSYOP-22 alarm, but will push masking and social distancing what whatever other junk science the CIA orders them to disseminate.
If you refused to comply with masking, congratulations, you were right. Of course, you probably also refused to comply with subjecting yourselves to the DEATHVAX™, so double congratulations to you because that truthiness will also at some point be quietly admitted and buried somewhere in the criminal NY Times.
Do NOT comply.
No mask, no test, no vaccine for me. Not EVER!!! Americans need to stop thinking that health comes in a bottle or at the end of a needle. We need to eat better (stay the heck away from fast and processed foods), exercise, get out in the sun, laugh, sing and dance
The Covid muzzle is a torture device and tool of dehumanization, not a medical prophylaxis. This has been obvious right from the beginning.