Julian Assange is a hero.
Assange exposed government crimes as a journalist under freedom of press and freedom of speech, which are daily subverted by the foreign invading force operating out of the White House in the foreign nation of Washington, D.C.
The occupying “government” waging a full spectrum soft war against We the People is simply a node of the One World Government.
When the "Biden” Administration gifted billions in high tech weaponry to the CIA-created Taliban in Afghanistan in a purposely botched “withdrawal” it was only because PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION-22 was already game-planned and ready for primetime.
Ukraine is a crucial human trafficking, bioweapon lab site and international black ops money laundering node for the Cult.
Bottom feeders like the Biden Crime Family get paid off and told to bribe and blackmail the puppet governments their handlers have installed or are in the process of installing.
The reason Assange is being slowly murdered by criminal governments operating under the color of law is because if he were doing the vital job of journalism today he would be exposing Ukraine exactly how he exposed Afghanistan; to wit:
No government that goes after journalists doing real work while an unconstitutional agency like the CIA feeds the legacy MSM talking points to keep humanity divided and conquered in state supplied lies and ideologies is legitimate and valid.
Not a single citizen wants war. Only governments, central banks and their owners, corporations profiting from the sociopaths in the Military Industrial Complex want war.
"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world."
“The nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave.”
— George Washington’s Farewell Address To The People Of The United States, September 19, 1796
What the illegitimate “governments” that have been thoroughly WEF “penetrated” are orchestrating now is in total degree a slave system under the pretenses of perpetual wars. War on terror. War on drugs. War on Russia. War on “pandemics”. War on racism. War on sexual discrimination. War on “climate change”. It never ends and it is all encompassing war waged on the carbon based lifeforms (humans, cows, chickens and so on and so forth).
They already have stolen more than they could ever need. They already own most everything. But that is not enough. It is never ever enough for these psychotics.
One could only imagine what kind of journalism Assange would have produced for the worst Crimes Against Humanity operation in human history with murderous lockdowns, MK Ultra masking, and the deadly experimental slow kill bioweapon injections. Perhaps he could have exposed the whole PSYOP-19 scam early enough that it could have been somewhat mitigated.
One could only imagine what Assange could have exposed about this upcoming global financial takedown that will make 2008’s manufactured crash look like a Disneyland outing.
And that is precisely why the One World Government directing the wholly captured “government” in Washington, D.C. wants Assange silenced, tortured, and ultimately dead.
Do NOT comply.
My suspicion is that the Afghanistan fiasco was the largest weapons and technology transfer in history - with the CCP and PLA being the ultimate beneficiary.
Remember Obama's "flexibility" message to Putin. "After my last election."
They laundered billions then and Putin got Crimea for free!
The "State" is just returning to it's vomit, again and again.