Thanks again 2SG!

I've sent your latest video evidence to others along with an email. Hope that's OK?

Email; Hi all! At long last there are more honest politicians like Andrew Bridgen who are now realising and broadcasting what has really been going over the past 4 plus years!

This is more evidence of what we proud Conspiracy Theorists have tried to inform the world of what is really going on. Whilst your friends won't understand the Japanese language, the subtitles say all they need to know.

(along with your Substack piece and video from 31st May attached.)

Thanks for your brave endeavours.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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That Japanese guy is a brave MF-er

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Japan is such a great country and the people too. They were the first to show that Pfizer were lying bastards and that the spike protein pollutes the whole human body, causing blood clots, strokes, myocarditis etc.

They found the wonder drug ivermectin.

They eat Nattokinase, which protects against blood clots and strokes.

They protested against the DEATHVAX in their thousands.

Professors denounced Pfizer and the jabs.

And now politicians have followed suite.

All we have in the US, UK, EU is corruption and protection of Pfizer, regardless of who’s injured or killed.

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The ringleaders are here. Not in Japan. Great to see them find their voice and speaking out. Some are speaking out here too. I’m praying for them.

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Ron Johnson (R) WI is one Senator that is outspoken and met with those who were injured. Little was achieved and the news doesn't cover this. I look at Convid as an election virus. The videos have disappeared but Bill Gates said if we did a better job with reproductive health care (Abortion) and a good vaccine we could lower the worlds population by 15% in 10 years which at the time would put us around key date 2030. Event 201 was no coincidence yet there is no accountability. The vaccines are only safe for the drug makers as they have zero liability and effective in thinning the herds. I heard Gates is also behind a vaccine that would make cows burp and expel gas less. What could go wrong? Our Government doesn't care that he is invested in the farmland, Apeel that's going on produce, Beyond Meat, everything GMO. I expect the Avian Bird Flu to become more relevant as elections approach.

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Ron Johnson did a great job of getting testimony into the Congressional record. The political will to act is not manifest yet but it may come soon.

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🎉🎉🎉 Hooray for Representative

Kazuhiro Haraguchi! 🎉🎉🎉

Wonderful article! Thank you! Sharing.

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Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful article. I’ll put at least part of it in Portuguese, my first language, and post for people in Brazil. A country that apparently has 95% of its people vaccinated, and the government committed the crime of making this poison mandatory for babies from six month to 5 years old. Innocent people have no idea how they’re were misconducted, and until today they believed in this evil: vaccine.

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In Holland we have Willem Engel but they try to put him in jail for asking people to gather and say no (maybe he was his time far ahead)

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As long as no one apologizes for Big Pharmas's mass kill Gain of Function/ biowarfare money & power maker, the woke world can forget about all who died from withholding Ivermectin & HCQ! Or the *12.5 to *40 million who died from iatrogenic medicine in the last 50 years! (* According to the John Hopkins [low-ball) iatrogenic study, Or the well-cited book, Death by Medicine, by Dr. Null! I believe all this evil death is what we get & deserve for dumping God for a Godless, government-playing god in a neo-Sodom Gamorra world! God help us!

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Well, Bill Gates , the CIA and various others just got away with murdering 10 million people and no one has the power or political ambition to do anything about it.

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We need more heroes like him

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The enforced silence in New Zealand, Australia, the UK, Canada et al. is fascinating in a macabre way. Still, for all the Japanese 'awake' the obvious remains, the adherence to the illusion of a pandemic and a "virus." Therein resides the real war.

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Thank you. Cowards remain silent. Lions roaring.

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I would like to say this is good. It is good that someone with a big stage is at least bringing attention to the utter horror of the jabs. Good. But it also has the feel of an oppo, or something that will be twisted to further harm those of us who were already harmed over the past four plus years. Everything now has the feel of a pre-planned oppo to me, as if the only thing that can gained from anything now is destruction, specifically of western and American institutions of power, and of ethical good. To the former, some people may think, "Good, some/many American institutions were/ are not legitimate institutions of power." I agree. Some/many are not. But my sense is that the hegemonic elite regime--however you wish to define that regime (Its secrete societies, its ethnic makeup, its long-term plans)--has its tentacles in everything. And, this regime is not going to give up power without taking everyone down with them, as insane as that seems to many of us. As such, I feel that no matter what "truths" come out about anything, including the jab, the regime has planned for that, and will make certain it is used in their favor, or if not, to take everyone down with them. In essence, whether or not believes in the existence of literal supernatural evil, those in power appear to be acting as if such an entity inhabits them, and have zero moral framework outside the exercise of material power for destruction of humanity.

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It’s worth perusing Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for a better understanding of these miscreants. You’ll want to shower afterwards. Not all American institutions are compromised; some only at the top with CFR lackeys doing the bidding of their masters.

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They killed innocent people because they wanted to maximize profits. Who is 'they'? It's the government, the drug companies, the doctors (who knew the gov't claims were untrue) & nurses. They knew the pandemic was not severe & didn't warrant a 'vaccine', & they knew the injections were neither safe nor effective. They knew indeed that the injections were unnecessary. They participated in this mass deception, knowing that many would be injured, & many others would lose their lives. Were there other reasons for what they did? Yes, they also wanted power, the power to decide who would live or die. Perhaps also they just wanted to watch people have their lives destroyed.

None of the perpetrators have apologized, & none have been held responsible for their crimes. What happens if no government brings criminal charges against these criminals? Perhaps in the end citizens will have to take legitimate action against these murderers & hold them accountable.

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I'll be sending this video to my local medical practice, but they say their "not interested in my views and Opinions". I've reminded them these are NOT 'MY views and opinions', but evidence, facts and data (from experts and casualties) to prove that Covid 'vaccines' are dangerous, if not DEADLY.

I'm sure they will continue to pretend my emails are not read". Human Nature suggests that some may get the occasional peep from doctors and staff, If only to try to find good reason to stop demonstrating the lies that followed Fauci's manufactured Coronavirus and a pretend cure (Vax) for which the virus was deliberately released. This was to create a market for a highly profitable but dangerous injection which does nothing for Covid, but can kill recipients!

Why else would Big Pharma (Pfizer, Moderna, etc,) dictate ZERO LIABILITY as a condition for all who suffer serious health consequences following the injection of these poisons?

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live a longer and enjoyable life without corrupt medical intervention!

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What is scary is the data emerging from the US military medical database in terms of the growth in illnesses post jab. Scary as its a highly managed data set and indicative of what is happening in wider society.

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