How to Defeat "Vax" Passport Fascism Russian Style
Noncompliance is vital. It may very well be the most effective means of defeating Fascism and Medical Tyranny in 2021. The same goes for starving an illegitimate out-of-control government subverting the Constitution daily: avoid theft by Gov; i.e. taxation. It is still illegal for the Federal Gov to collect direct un-apportioned taxes to this very day; tax avoidance is your patriotic duty. (Oh, and the IRS is a private corporation that pays for its postage, and was never created by an Act of Congress. [And how is the Death Jab paid for? You guessed it: taxes from you, the willing or unwilling human lab rat].) Turn your back on this criminal Gov and the corporations they really work with and for (not We the People in deed).
Now back to the Russians:
“How Russian citizens smashed the silly Moscow “Vax” passports in just 3 weeks”
This is how Mayor Sobyanin's vaccine passport was smashed - and it was pretty straightforward. Moscow residents simply stopped going to any business that required a vaccine passport.
The most beautiful thing about all this is that the vaccinated showed solidarity with the unvaccinated. The business was reduced almost to zero in all the establishments in which the vaccination passport was required.
Muscovites grew their hair out, stopped going to bars and restaurants, didn't go to the movies, stayed in hotels, or did anything that required a vaccination passport.
Businessmen across the city suddenly called Mayor Sobyanin's office to scold him for the vaccination passports. They were ruining themselves and they were very angry about it.
Marina Zemskova, director of a regional hotel and restaurant association in Russia, said the vaccine passport turned out to be worse for the business than a total shutdown. At least, if there were another shutdown, she points out, the businesses "could count on some kind of supportive measures from the government."
With a vaccine passport system there is no government support. What the not very elitist elites did not foresee about the residents of Moscow was that they simply would not participate in the scam at all.
The businessmen were so enraged at the mayor that Sobyanin made a sudden and surprising announcement on July 19 that it was no longer necessary for anyone to use the vaccine passport. A hilarious excuse was made, claiming that COVID case rates had suddenly improved, as a reason to lift QR code passports.
But everyone knew the truth. The Muscovites decided that their medical privacy and their right to travel are more important than what the officials told them.
It was a massive case of civil disobedience, and they didn't even have to go outside and set things on fire in a big protest. All they did was say, "Any business that wants to see a vaccine passport from me is not going to get any of my money."“