Health experts are quitting the NIH & CDC in droves because they're embarrassed by 'bad science' - including vaccinating children under 5 to 'make their advice palatable to the White House,' drs claim
No, they are not embarrassed by the Crimes Against Humanity junk science, they are acutely cognizant that if they do not quit, then they may one day be liable for premeditated manslaughter, or worse.
From the Daily Mail:
The NIH and CDC are reportedly facing staffing shortages as low morale drives away employees
Decisions like the closure of schools and then requiring face masks once they reopened led to many questioning leadership
Lately, the authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children four years old of younger has confused some in America's top medical agencies
Bari Weiss' 'Common Sense' Substack reports that data from both Pfizer and Moderna's clinical trials for jabs in under-5s show limited effectiveness
PSYOP-19 is a depopulation and control program.
The DEATHVAX™ is a slow kill bioweapon.
The MK Ultra masking and lockdowns are slower kill components of this technocratic eugenics power grab en route to the 4th Industrial Posthuman Revolution.
CDC failed to balance the risks of COVID with other risks that come from closing schools,' an anonymous CDC scientist told Common Sense.
'Learning loss, mental health exacerbations were obvious early on and those worsened as the guidance insisted on keeping schools virtual. CDC guidance worsened racial equity for generations to come. It failed this generation of children.'
A mentally damaged, worn out and mass formation hypochondria-spellbound populace has a far greater propensity for uptake of the DEATHVAX™ slow kill bioweapon injection.
Of course, if the natural instinct to not trust the scientism and subject oneself to the injection were to express itself, then the virtue signal “protecting others” ploy has too been exceedingly effective at getting the experimental gene therapy subjects to participate in their very own ritualistic slow suicide.
But there is hope for the future:

And now the staff working at the captured FDA and CDC are not only quitting, but speaking out:
“It's like a horror movie I'm being forced to watch and I can't close my eyes,” one senior FDA official lamented. “People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.”
The CDC has experienced a similar exodus. “There’s been a large amount of turnover. Morale is low,” one high level official at the CDC told us. “Things have become so political, so what are we there for?” Another CDC scientist told us: “I used to be proud to tell people I work at the CDC. Now I’m embarrassed.”
Culpable is more like it.
But what drives these cowards and criminals to hang around these One World Government and CIA-handled agencies where their decisions and “rulings” directly result in all-cause morality surges and seemingly innumerable adverse events you might ask?
An official at the FDA put it this way: “I can’t tell you how many people at the FDA have told me, ‘I don't like any of this, but I just need to make it to my retirement.’”
Aiding and abetting the democide, or collecting a pension?
Decisions, decisions…
Horror movie indeed.
Do NOT comply.
Do they actually fucking believe we won't be able to find them? Seriously?
Project Veritas has many videos on these bastards, complicit in mass murder, child mass murder.
I was called on the carpet for daring to advocate Nuremberg trials and then hangings. On another post. I thought they were FDA Employees. I am such a meanie. I always LIKE my own posts.... it disturbs people
Well said, my man, well said.