Government publishes horrific figures on COVID Vaccine Deaths: 1 in every 310 people died within 1.5 months of receiving the COVID Vaccine Booster
And it will only get worse over time.
by The Exposé
Official figures published by the UK Government confirm 1 in every 310 people who received a third dose of the Covid-19 injection in England by 31st December 2021, sadly died within 48 days.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK.
On 8th September 2022, the ONS published an unnoticed dataset titled ‘Characteristics associated with the risk of death involving coronavirus (COVID-19) among people receiving a booster vaccination, England: January to March 2022’, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here.
Table 1 of the ONS dataset reveals that between January and March 2022, 62,801 people who had received a third dose of the Covid-19 injection by 31st December 2021 had sadly died.
The same dataset reveals that the average time between receiving a booster and the person losing their life was 48 days / 7 weeks.
Of the 62,801 deaths, 4,781 were considered to be Covid-19 deaths.
The dataset does not reveal how these figures compare to the unvaccinated, but another dataset published by the ONS on July 6th 2022, does.
The dataset, which can be downloaded here and accessed on the ONS website here, shows that between 1st January 2022 and 31st May 2022, the vaccinated population accounted for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths, and 91% of those deaths were among the triple/quadruple vaccinated.
According to the ONS, by 31st December 2021, 8,901,895 males and 10,671,705 females had received a third dose of the Covid-19 injection. Meaning 19,473,570 people had received the booster in total by this date.
So based on the fact 62,801 triple-vaccinated people died within an average of 48 days, this equates to 1 in every 310 people who received a third dose of the Covid-19 injection in England by 31st December 2021, sadly dying within 7 weeks.
These figures do not take into account other factors such as age, but this is still a considerable difference and is most definitely concerning when we look at the actual mortality rates per 100,000 by vaccination status and age group.
We can find those figures in table 2 of the same ONS dataset on deaths by vaccination status.
The following two charts show the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for non-Covid-19 deaths in England between January and May 2022 for each age group –

The official figures unfortunately confirm that mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated population in every single age group in England. And the data reveals the gap between the unvaccinated and vaccinated populations in terms of mortality rates is widening by the month.
These are age-standardised figures. There is no other conclusion that can be found for the fact mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated other than that the Covid-19 injections are killing people.
This is sadly why 1 in every 310 people in England lost their lives between January and March 2022 within an average of 48 days of receiving a third dose of the Covid-19 injection.
It will only get worse over time as every single person that received these slow kill bioweapons now has VAIDS. And this cold and flu season will skew the above data to even higher mortality.
All VAIDS sufferers must at very least cycle Ivermectin, and take a daily nutraceutical that clear our the spike proteins, while inducing zinc ionophore activity, and raising cellular pH as both prophylactic and cure.
Do NOT comply.
Meanwhile in Canada 🇨🇦...
As the strokes and heart attacks cull the vaccinated the next surge of deaths will be horrific cancer deaths. Please protect yourself and your loved ones by learning about fenbendazole as a safe, effective, OTC, inexpensive cancer treatment. It has saved three people from cancer (metastatic breast cancer, lung and melanoma) just in my circle. This is all free, just trying to pay it forward