by Joel Smalley
Dr Richard Fleming is an American Medical Doctor, specialising in cardiology and has a law degree. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and a Fellow of the American Society of Internal Medicine, he is a medical patent expert, has authored between 400 and 500 medical papers, and has sat on review boards of medical journals.
In March this year, he testified that:
SARS-CoV-2 is a lab-engineered bio-weapon, funded by the US government, the result of gain-of-function research on the spike protein, making it more infectious.
Safe and Effective treatments for the virus were suppressed by the US health regulatory agencies.
Quarantining of healthy people is completely ineffective.
The mRNA/RNA “vaccines” produced by Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen are bio-weapons delivering the same toxic spike protein as the virus but in loads up to 5 million times higher.
The vaccinated are responsible for pressure-selecting variants (alpha, delta, omicron, etc.), prolonging the epidemic.
The “vaccine” disrupts the natural immune system, making the vaccinated more susceptible to infection and disease.
The “vaccine” damages red-blood cells and causes hyper-inflammatory and clotting that cause disease and death in its own right.
Do NOT comply.
I have two triple vaxxede friends who nevertheless got 'mild' covid. Less than a month later both had scans for unrelated health reasons. Doctors found blood clots in their brains and in their lungs. My one friend is practically on bedrest while blood thinners hopefully dissolve the clots before she strokes out. Clots are too numerous to be surgicall removed. Doctors say the clots are from Covid. How many others are walking around with blood clots in their brains???
I watched this guy for about 3 hours in Sacramento a couple weeks ago and wrote it up: