"Directed Evolution" is Directed Depopulation: Pfizer's Sociopath R&D Executive Admits In-house Gain of Function of Lab Made Covid-19 Is "Cash Cow" for Company
Perhaps the most damning Project Veritas expose to date further proves that Pfizer is a criminal government backed entity run by certifiable sociopaths:

Jordan Walker, the executive whose malignant narcissism drove him to giddily offer up various confessions about the true nature of their slow kill bioweapon products, was at most just two degrees of separation from Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla:

But it is far, far worse. What Jordan Walker and Project Veritas do not touch upon is that Pfizer is merely the front corporation for the Department of Defense (DoD).
Useful mentally ill idiots like Jordan Walker are deliberately hired to mindlessly develop eugenics chemicals as “cash cows” without ever considering the illegalities of their actions.
#DirectedEvolution = #DirectedDepopulation
Brook Jackson blew the whistle on Pfizer, and Pfizer got the case dismissed on the basis that the entire “vaccine” program (and Operation Warp Speed) was a DoD operation:
In July 2020, while Pfizer’s vaccine was still under development, DoD entered into anagreement with the company, as part of Operation Warp Speed, to purchase the first 100 milliondoses of the vaccine if FDA later authorized or approved it. (Am. Comp. ¶ 133.) This was beforePfizer and BioNTech commenced their placebo-controlled efficacy trial, now known as the“landmark study.” (Id. at ¶ 133.)
The entire “emergency” was manufactured off a “pandemic” in order to secure EUA for the slow kill bioweapons; to wit:
The SOW provides that DoD would pay $1.95 billion—or $19.50 per dose—for Pfizer’svaccine, contingent on the company first securing FDA approval or an EUA for the product. (Am.Compl. ¶ 135.)
It has now been shown and admitted to that Pfizer and BioNTech forged their 95% “protection” in their “landmark” study — the only thing landmark about their study is the boldness of their fraudulent data:
Pfizer and BioNTech announced initial results from the landmark study on November 18,2020. (Am. Compl. ¶ 81.) They showed a two-dose regimen of the vaccine conferred 95 percent protection against COVID-19 in persons 16 years of age and older.
Pfizer’s lawyers got the case thrown out under cover of their DoD contract:
Just as Relator fails to identify any expressly false certifications of compliance in Pfizer’s invoices seeking payment from DoD, she fails similarly to identify any “specific representations”about Pfizer’s vaccine in those invoices.
From the court transcript:
“Because of pandemic-related exigencies, the agreement was not a standard federal procurement contract, but rather a ‘prototype’ agreement executed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 2371b[.]…
“The contract’s Statement of Work describes a ‘large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstration’ that imposes no requirements relating to Good Clinical Practices (‘GCP’) or related FDA regulations.”
And what exactly is 10 USC 2371b? As per GovInfo: 10 U.S.C. 2371b - Authority of the Department of Defense to carry out certain prototype projects:
Therefore, Pfizer had been and continues to operate as an arm of the DoD. As such, Pfizer never had to legally or otherwise adhere to Good Clinical Practices (‘GCP’) or related FDA regulations; thus, the FDA “approvals” were always just for show in order to falsely placate Americans on the “Safe and Effective” deadly injections.
Putting all of the pieces together, it should now make perfect sense that someone like Jordan Walker admits that Pfizer is not only skirting GCP and FDA regulations, but is literally performing their very own banned Gain of Function (GoF) “research” in order to anticipate further COVID mutations such that they can capitalize on them with ever more poisonous gene therapy injections; in other words, Pfizer is doing the DoD’s eugenics work for them while getting compensated multiple times over via taxpayer theft revenue streams and shadow book infusions.
How else can Pfizer’s R&D Executive be so flippant unless he always knew that he and his employer were operating outside the law? Because laws are strictly for We the People, and never for criminal corporations and their illegitimate government agency partners in crime.
Pfizer’s entire COVID “vaccine” program is nothing more than a One World Government democide operation, and an exceedingly profitable one at that.
Stay tuned, because Project Veritas has promised to drop an even bigger Pfizer story later today.
Do NOT comply.
Slightly concerned this interview is a bit too good to be true, I think a bit of patience would be prudent just to confirm that an intentionally planted story is not in place to discredit.
If this doesn’t wake the vax lovers nothing will. And it won’t