by Igor Chudov
This is a continuation of my post from yesterday about a massive 13% decline in births in Germany. Such a decline is a nine-sigma event, meaning that it is so unlikely to occur by chance, that it would naturally happen as rarely as an asteroid striking the Earth.
My article explored several more locales (UK, North Dakota, and Switzerland).
But no other place stands out as much as Taiwan does.
23% Drop in Birth Rate in Taiwan
According to a Taiwan government report, the birth rate dropped by 23.24% in May 2022, compared to May 2021.
I inputted historical birth rate data from Macrotrends for the years 2009-2021, and added the year 2022 as year 2021 adjusted down by 23.24%. Obviously, 2022 is not over and the number of Taiwanese babies to be born this year (or during the next 12 months) is unknown. So the chart below is an illustration of what would happen in the next 12 months if the 23.24% drop stays constant.
When expressed in “sigmas”, units of standard deviation, the 23.24% drop in the birth rate in Taiwan is a 26-sigma event!
This can be described as “unimaginable” in terms of the likelihood of happening due to random chance.
The Wolfram-Alpha illustration of likelihood by sigma only goes to nine-sigma. They thought that it would be pointless to show more sigmas. Except a 26-sigma drop in birth rate just happened in Taiwan.
What Happened In Taiwan?
Health experts are quick to blame Covid for all sorts of health problems afflicting those they advised to vaccinate. It is not the vaccine, they say, it is Covid. We tried to protect you with the vaccine, they would always insist. But you got Covid anyway, thanks to the evil antivaxxers, and your problems are due to Covid — that’s their explanation.
We know for certain, though, that the drop in birth rate in Taiwan is NOT due to Covid. Yes, Taiwan is suffering from a terrible COVID pandemic right now (despite being 91% vaccinated), however, Covid in Taiwan only started around April 21 of 2022, and could not impact May birth rates much.
To see what could cause the extreme drop in births, go back 9 months from May 2022, so to September 2021.
Taiwan was a poster child for successful vaccination. 91% of all Taiwanese residents received a vaccine dose. By October 1, 2021, 56% of ALL people of Taiwan received Covid vaccines.
They got a fairly usual mix of “safe and effective” AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Pfizer vaccines.
People of Taiwan got their shots, felt assured that Covid-19 stops with every vaccinated person, and moved on with their lives.
I doubt that the people of Taiwan noticed anything at the end of September. They knew for sure that their vaccines were safe and effective and would not affect their sperm or pregnancies. So they proceeded with family plans just as before, trying to make babies on purpose, or partying and having fun and getting pregnant accidentally, just as people do elsewhere.
Except for 9 months later, they only gave birth to 77% of the number of babies expected.
I hope that the people of Taiwan will start asking their authorities: what is happening to us?
This substack often refers to PSYOP-19 as a depopulation and control program for good reason.
The world is in serious trouble.
Do NOT comply.
Still waiting for the figures on miscarriages, especially of those who have been injected...
Sometimes it takes me a while to connect the dots and today in my mind at least, I did just that. Our corrupt government has been promoting everything gay to us and I believe it is another piece of the depopulation puzzle. If you only have sex with those of the same gender you won’t have children. I believe it was yesterday that I figured abortion is also a means of depopulation. Maybe you all figured this out a long time ago and I am late to the party. Birth control is another one. The list is long!