BREAKING: White House: "President" Biden to end PSYOP-19 emergency declarations on May 11 - AP
Today the senile diaper soiling ice cream eating pedo criminal puppet was told to announce the end of the “pandemic” “emergency” on May 11th as VAIDS rages on in America, and excess deaths, cancers, heart attacks and SADS go parabolic.
Makes perfect sense.
Of course, that is more than three whole months away which can only mean that the Biden administration has a very omniscient crystal ball that they are using, and that this three plus year “emergency” is still in full effect. But this prognostication device at the White House has forecast that on the very day of May 11th, 2023 all things “pandemic” shall return to normal in the good ol’ USSA.
Rest assured that the illegitimate Federal government waging a full spectrum soft war against We the People out of the foreign nation of Washington, D.C. has many other murderous tricks up its proverbial sleeves.
Expect more psyops shortly.
Do NOT comply.
So the real question is what do they have planned over the next 4 months???
The only way to declare a new fake emergency is to end the old fake emergency.