Pfizer was always nothing more than a front company for the DEATHVAX™ patent holders in the DoD, Pentagon, NIH, et al. As such, all of the agreements that Pfizer was signing with captured governments around the world were always legally invalid, and those dark forces behind the democidal “vaccines” were only ever indemnified under color of law. In other words, there are no liability protections nor EUA protections for those involved in these slow kill bioweapons.
And now we have further evidence of the illegitimacy of these BigPharma DEATHVAX™ “agreements,” which were all made unconstitutionally, and thus willfully subverted both informed consent and natural rights:
“Leaders” Politician puppets around the world knew exactly what they were signing off on, and even if they did not appreciate the exact bioterror implications of these injections, they still broke the laws of their respective nations given the “contractual” evidence, or lack thereof.
Basically, all of these politrix “penetrators” pretending to be “leaders” of their slave populations signed off on at best unproven and untested Modified mRNA injections that never made it past animal trials for good reason, and at worst deliberately partook in a global eugenics operation. Both scenarios are murderously criminal. No “leader” could ever sign such agreements without consulting with their legal and medical advisors, because if they did, then there would have been no possible way such deals could ever have been consummated unless they were illicit backroom deals, which they most assuredly all were.
Or precisely why all of these Pfizer “agreements” were secret.
Not to mention that there was never any “pandemic” emergency.
The only emergency was always the One World Government colluding with the various captured and penetrated governments around the world in order to foist upon their citizenries deadly gene modifying eugenics injections.
No person requires leaders.
Lead yourselves.
Do NOT comply.
Outstanding Research. Great Service to Mankind.
Small wonder every government has tried to hide it.