AnyCity, North America/EU/UK
Toronto, a bustling metropolis, thrives as one of the epicenters of technological advancement in North America. Yet, like with all tech hub cities with ever increasing interconnectivity thanks to the ongoing 5G revolution, there are mounting concerns about potential health risks associated with radiofrequency (RF) radiation.
Investigation of Toronto's RF Landscape
Using the Trifield Meter — a device designed to measure RF radiation— RF levels across various neighborhoods of Toronto were investigated.
For context, safety standards indicate that readings between 0.2 mW/m2 and 1 mW/m2 are considered “safe.” The findings were both eye-opening, and deeply alarming:
City Core: In the heart of Toronto, the readings consistently hovered above 20 mW/m2, a 20-times increase over the safe upper limit.
City Core Outskirts: Once outside the dense city core, the readings drop closer to safe levels, albeit still high at around 1.0-8 mW/m2.
Proximity to Cell Towers: Near buildings with cell tower masts, the readings skyrocketed to an astonishing 20 W/m2 — 20,000 times the suggested low-safe level!
Inside City Buildings: Buildings with cell tower masts presented varied readings, ranging from 2 mW/m2 to a staggering 20 mW/m2; so, even the lowest reading was double the safe upper limit.
What can be done about this excessive, cancer-inducing RF radiation, and the huge rates of turbo cancers caused by the COVID-19 slow kill bioweapon “vaccinations?”
Historically, studies have raised serious health concerns associated with prolonged exposure to high RF radiation levels. For instance, a study by Eger et al. in Germany found that people living within 400 meters of cell towers had over three times the normal rate of certain cancers. Similarly, an Israeli study (Wolf and Wolf) reported a nearly fourfold increase in cancer risks for those residing within 350 meters of an RF tower.
The 5G Implication
5G technology uses higher frequency waves that promise faster data transfers, but also necessitate more towers due to the shorter wavelength and, therefore, shorter range of the signal. This means more potential exposure points, especially in urban areas such as Toronto. Our readings from the Trifield Meter experiment seem to underscore this concern, with massively elevated RF radiation levels in the city core and near cell towers.
A Balance Between Progress and Health
While 5G promises a brighter, faster, more interconnected future, the potential health risks cannot be overstated. Toronto's dense RF landscape, as evidenced by the Trifield Meter readings, suggests that we might be on the precipice of a public health disaster.
City planners, governments, telecommunication companies, and residents must come together to better understand the implications, and seek balanced solutions. We must ask ourselves: Is the price of faster data worth compromising our health by exposing ourselves to enormously higher risk of dying from cancer within a few years of continuous exposure?
Keep in mind that 5G was surreptitiously rolled out during the second quarter of 2020, when the populations of most countries were under lockdowns.
How To Ameliorate Cancer Prophylactically, with Fenbendazole & Ivermectin
The Dual Defense:Fenbendazole and Ivermectin as Potential Shields
In the face of growing concerns about increased cancer-inducing RF radiation, there might be a glimmer of hope from an unexpected combination prophylaxis protocol: Two compounds traditionally associated with antiparasitic treatments, Fenbendazole and Ivermectin have recently gained much attention as potential anticancer compounds.
A Closer Look at Fenbendazole and Ivermectin
Fenbendazole, primarily used as a deworming agent for animals, has piqued interest due to numerous anecdotal reports of its anticancer effects in humans. While the mechanisms aren't fully understood, preliminary in vivo animal studies suggest that Fenbendazole might inhibit tumorous cell growth and even induce apoptosis in cancer cells (Gao, Dang, and Watson).
Ivermectin, another antiparasitic medication, has also been thrust into the limelight. Beyond its conventional use, it has shown promise in inhibiting cancer cell proliferation in certain in vitro studies (Juarez, Schcolnik-Cabrere and Dueñas-Gonzalez.
As this Substack has previously pointed out, these two inexpensive repurposed miracle drugs have much scientific backing regarding (turbo) cancers:
Given these intriguing findings, one cannot help but wonder: Could these compounds be our shield against the 'turbo cancers' potentially catalyzed by ubiquitous 5G radiation?
Prophylactic Use: An Ounce of Prevention
Based on extensive writings on the anticancer properties of both Fenbendazole and Ivermectin, the prophylactic use of these compounds appears to be a potentially game-changing approach for cancer prevention.
If we consider the growing body of experimental and anecdotal evidence suggesting these compound’s anticancer potential, using them as a preventive measure could be a groundbreaking strategy to mitigate the health risks associated with increased RF radiation exposure.
The Nutritional Front: Dietary Shield Against 'Turbo Cancers'
As we tread cautiously in our rapidly digitizing world, confronting potential health challenges like elevated RF radiation risks, a multi-pronged integrative approach to defense becomes imperative.
While Fenbendazole and Ivermectin might offer one layer of protection, our diets, the daily fuel for our bodies, hold a profound influence over our cellular health and vitality.
Nutrition and Cancer: The Sugar Connection
Cancer cells are notorious for their unique metabolic behavior. Healthy cells derive energy from oxygen. Unlike their healthy counterparts, many cancer cells, when deprived of oxygen, revert to a primitive mode of energy generation: fermentation. This anaerobic process craves sugar, making it the primary fuel for proliferating cancer cells.
The typical American diet, laden with sugars and highly processed foods, inadvertently becomes an accomplice, feeding these rogue cells. This dietary pattern, coupled with potential carcinogens such as RF radiation and “vaccines,” create the perfect cellular storms for all kinds of diseases, not limited to cancers.
Keto and Vegan Diets: Starving the Rogue Cells
To potentially curb this threat, two dietary paradigms emerge as frontrunners:
The Ketogenic Diet: By emphasizing fats as the primary energy source and minimizing carbohydrates, a ketogenic diet aims to switch the body's metabolic mode from glycolysis (sugar burning) to ketosis (fat burning). By doing so, it deprives cancer cells of their preferred fuel: glucose.
The Vegan Diet: Rich in whole plant foods, a vegan diet provides an array of antioxidants, phytonutrients, and fiber, promoting overall cellular health and possibly curbing the proliferation of cancer cells. By eliminating animal products, it reduces the intake of certain carcinogens and inflammatory agents. (The main issue with vegan diets is that deriving a wide enough array of macronutrients and various vitamins is challenging, and too many vegan diets are still high in fructose and even sucrose, so it really is reserved for those well versed in this dietary approach.)
Intermittent Fasting: A Time-Based Dietary Ally Against Cancer
Beyond what we eat, when we eat has also demonstrated profound impacts on health. Emerging as a modern-day panacea for various health ailments, intermittent fasting (IF) has spotlighted itself in the realm of cancer defense.
Intermittent Fasting isn't a diet in the traditional sense, but, rather an eating pattern. By cycling between periods of eating and fasting, IF aims to trigger certain metabolic pathways that might be protective against diseases, including cancer.
Cellular Autophagy: During fasting, cells initiate a process called autophagy, wherein they 'clean house' by removing damaged components. This self-cleaning mechanism can potentially reduce the risk of malignant transformation.
Hormonal Regulation: Intermittent Fasting can modulate levels of insulin and other tumor growth factors. Given that elevated insulin levels can stimulate tumor growth, keeping them in check might provide a cancer-protection mechanism.
Reduction in Inflammation: Chronic inflammation can pave the way for various diseases, including cancers. IF has been shown to reduce markers of inflammation, making it a potential ally in the fight against cancer.
Incorporating Intermittent Fasting with Diet, Medication and Lifestyle: When combined with the potential anticancer benefits of Fenbendazole and Ivermectin, and nutrient-rich Keto and Vegan diets, intermittent fasting might amplify the protective effects. It's a comprehensive regimen, targeting the menace at multiple fronts.
Regular Exercise: The Cornerstone of Cellular Health
While diet and medication play significant roles in countering cancer risks, physical activity remains an irreplaceable element in the equation for optimal health. Here's how regular exercise plays a pivotal role:
Metabolic Regulation
Balancing Blood Sugar Levels: Physical activity enhances insulin sensitivity, which means our cells are better able to use available sugar in the bloodstream. This can lead to reduced blood sugar levels, decreasing the risk for conditions such as diabetes which are associated with higher cancer risks.
Fat Reduction: Exercising regularly helps in reducing body fat, especially visceral fat, i.e. fat accumulated around internal organs, which has been linked to various types of cancer.
Boosting Immunity: Exercise strengthens the immune system, equipping it better to detect and eradicate early signs of cancer cells.
Hormonal Balance: Regular physical activity can help regulate hormone levels. With some cancers, such as breast and endometrial cancers, high hormone levels, particularly of estrogen, can increase cancer risk.
Improved Digestion: Exercising facilitates faster movement of food through the digestive tract, which could reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Enhanced Cellular Repair Mechanisms: Physical activity stimulates the body's natural repair processes, making it potentially more equipped to repair DNA damage that could lead to cancer.
The democidal governments knowingly prevented people from exercising and actively subverted healthy lifestyle options by foisting their anti-science lockdowns.
A Comprehensive Strategy
A Balanced Lifestyle - The Optimal Defense
In the backdrop of modern challenges, and the shadow of emerging technologies such as 5G and soon to be 6G, the increased exposure to RF and its deleterious health implications, calls for an integrative approach to ensure a comprehensive lifestyle which includes dietary fortresses (Keto, Vegan diets, plus IF), combined with pharmaceutical shields (Fenbendazole, Ivermectin), and regular exercise. This strategy can offer a robust defense mechanism against potential health hazards, especially cancer. As we embrace the future, we must also ensure our health remains an unwavering priority.
The current RF levels in major cities are a scandal of epic proportions that renders them essentially uninhabitable, and this deadly pollution will only get increasingly worse. This is precisely why no major RF safety tests were done since 1985. The Fromm study from 2004 was willfully ignored, and the RF levels today are significantly worse.
Governments and their corporate partners-in-crime are genetically modifying city dwellers via “vaccines” while simultaneously cooking them alive via 5G in veritable metropolitan microwave ovens. And it will only get far worse in the X Everything App social credit score AI-controlled dystopian 15 Minute Cities.
In conclusion, getting out of cities is the absolute best strategy for RF mitigation, with the added bonus of limiting your exposure to mindless and brainwashed genetically modified slaves of the State that demand you partake in their mass ritual bio-suicide; and if you are for some reason unable to escape the city, then taking a proactive combination therapy and healthy lifestyle approach is your next best strategy to survive this profoundly sick system.
Do NOT comply.
The keto diet has major downsides long term. The constant use of gluconeogenis to generate the glucose you actually need for brain health plus blood sugar regulation causes in the long run over stimulation of cortisol production and causes stress to your organs and more. keto advocates gloss over this science. It is valuable therapeutically for cancer and neural damage and other risks and I would use this but not as a lifelong program. It also encourages under eating in some .(like me at 75 yo). I’m now pursuing a pro metabolic eating with good carbs and yes, fruit to have more constant blood sugar regulation during my day. Leading to more energy production. I’m over keto and low carb. Lustig did his sugar research on mice. Quite different. He’s made lots of money on those mice. Other than therapeutic use, I now know that there are cons in even keto and carnivore. I don’t trust much now but this is working for me. N=1. 😀👍🏻
You might want to look at this 1977 CIA document about 5G and the health effects:
Is it a coincidence that 5=Penta and g=gram?
Probably not.
Seek Jesus Christ NOW folks!!!!!