We have enough evidence to arrest, prosecute and hang these monsters. Let it begin! 😡

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You said, "We basically need to figure a way out of this colossal mess. Together."... The way out is simple. Pull every single one of these vaccines off the market (Dr. Battachyra and RFKjr) And make available OTC things that aren't already in your Joe tippin's protocol. As well as z packs and hydroxychloroquine. Saying you can't do that because "people will take the drugs wrong and hurt themselves".... People already do that with Tylenol and a whole host of OTC drugs! You can't fix stupid or crazy ;-)

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Beyond disgusting 🤮

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I like the hanging of these MONSTERS BUT IT HAS TO BE DO IN A PUBLIC SQUARE LIVE STREAMED!!!!!!!!!!!

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And all of this data and real world experiences by millions apparently did not factor into the report just released.


I guess you know who can still brag about how his big, beautiful vaccine saved millions of lives.

The lies and grift will continue until the treasury is sacked and the house of cards falls in on itself.

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The plandemic was supposed to lock the U.S. down for 8 years in fema camps while they "developed vaccines/cures."

We'd all be ded by now if it wasn't for Warp Speed. He at least told everyone that HCQ & Ivermectin was all we needed. We dodged a bullet you won't fully understand while so full of hatred.

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I don't hate anyone, but we'd all be dead if it wasn't for Warp Speed?

OK, that's your opinion. I wholeheartedly disagree. I never heard Trump speak about Ivermectin. Is that on record somewhere? Seriously.

I think he mentioned that he took HCQ but I don't recall him advocating it on a consistent basis, OR MAKING IT AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE.

Look, I do not blame Trump. He's controlled. They all are. But neither will I let him off the hook. He knew. They all knew.

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Its called the window of opportunity-you create your customer base and wage war on humanity to keep the goose that laid the golden egg. Rockefeller was the designer of modern western medicine policy noe replaced the great scientist Bill Gates. t

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SV40, or Simian Virus 40, is a virus that was found in some polio vaccines between 1955 and 1961. There were concerns that it could cause cancer, as it has been shown to cause tumors in animals. However, extensive (CENSORED) studies have not found evidence that SV40 causes cancer in humans. The risk is considered very low. Why risk anything?

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Yeah this was a Bing response when I asked about SV40 in vaccines. I added (CENSORED) and why risk anything. Did you know that Fluorescent Nano technology is in Coca Cola & Pepsi. They want to get it into everyone it seems. Maybe there is a connection to 5G as many have claimed.

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I think this is what you are referring to:

Nano Domestic Quell program Dossier

This program is reportedly the covert microchipping of the American people and beyond.

This is a DARPA document from June 2013:

Nano Domestic Quell (NDQ) Dossier and specifically names Coca Cola & Pepsi as well as city water systems throughout the US.

From the Dossier: "Current total infection rate for the United States general population: 87.2%

Projected infection for general US populace by January 2014 is estimated to reach 98%. Total infections for ages 18 and above may reach 99%."

"They" are coming for us from every direction!

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Anyone who had any connection with this demonic crap, should commit suicide and save us all the trouble of charging and executing them. Period.

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If you are unvaccinated and have been exposed by the vaccinated people around you how long would you do the Joe Tippen protocol? Also if the vaccinated are spike protein factories are you continually exposed and what if anything could you do about that?

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Another question…. How are these monsters protecting themselves from shedding?

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Nothing. They knew this going in and the "kahn"/"cohen" race bragged about what they were going to do to humanity. No matter how many people I warned about them...they wouldn't listen. "Oh no, the Cohen would never murder all of humanity with a bioweapon." And here we are...

Gene editing can now change an entire species -- forever | Jennifer Kahn


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Kiki "kahn/cohen race" I am Jewish and certainly was not let in on any plan to depopulate the world. When I last checked, the Rockefellers, Gates, and Xi Jinping are not Jewish.

I cannot control which group I was born into; what is your excuse?

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It still amazes me to this day that people won’t listen to their own family and friends or even look at the evidence presented, but will listen to people that don’t give a flip about them that have no real evidence showing what they’re saying is true.

I am aware of all of the theories of why, but if a friend or family member was telling me, don’t take the jab it will kill you, I think I would listen.

Truly mind boggling !!!

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It is incredibly depressing for me. I have family who took it, despite all of my warnings and pleading. And my neighbor who I also cautioned is now dying of blood clots in his lungs causing his family massive trauma and financial stress to correct his error. I don’t know why people are so easy to suicide themselves but it is something that can’t be fixed…and yes, it is very strange.

It was my theory that it was a voluntary self culling of the population due to Civilizations lack of non-human predators. But I still find it heartbreaking…

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As so many others have, I too have lost family and friends who didn’t listen to the warnings. Some are now experiencing terrible side effects.

It truly is heartbreaking.

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We are all hybrids now. 😰

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Dr. Jane Ruby also speaks about breaking news about Kevin McKernan.


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I am trying to find the interview that she referred to. Please link if you know how to find it.

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Which interview?

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The one Kevin Mckernan did recently. I don’t know how to find it.

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as the advise says - do not comply they want you dead-.

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What WASN'T in the shots?

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