Biden Admin Sends $40 Billion to Ukraine While Shutting Down Largest US Producer of Baby Formula, While Shipping Pallets of Baby Formula to Border Facilities For Illegal Aliens as Inflation Explodes
The PSYOP-19 Depopulation and Control program is evolving for maximum Technocratic eugenics pain:
As PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION-22 and PSYOP-SUPPLY-SHORTAGES-22 rage on, the criminal adult diaper soiling ice cream eating career gov criminal grifter’s administration goes after the children.

Biden’s administration gives the go-ahead for the FDA to shut down a huge plant that makes baby formula in Michigan while simultaneously sending pallets to illegal invaders at the border.

Concurrently, the illegitimate federal government is doing everything in its power to stop energy production in America, thus further stoking inflation and supply chain shortages.
Baby formula for illegals, and $40 Billion stolen via taxes to yet another unconstitutional foreign entanglement in Ukraine, of which the majority of said billions will be laundered back to the criminals = politicians in the foreign nation of Washington D.C.
Thankfully, Rand Paul has halted this $40 Billion money laundering scheme, for now.
Expect PSYOP-22 any day now, with the associated lockdowns, mask mandates and DEATHVAX™ 2.0.
The only way out of this is total noncompliance.
Do NOT comply.
The only possible chance for the democrat marxists in the upcoming election is the new variant (its coming), order mass lockdowns, and executive order for everyone to vote by mail! Food shortages are done purposely because they know when people are hungry, they'll obey almost anything for crumbs. And also not have to watch their family starve. Historically almost all dictators have done the same thing
Even the well deserved description of “... criminal adult diaper soiling ice cream eating career gov criminal grifter” is very good, but is too kind still to Biden’s self-loving, blissfully ignorant and arrogant destructive decisions which undermine and continue to seriously damage our nations health, economy, and national security, while always pointing his crooked finger elsewhere. Any politics aside, this man is a walking anathema to our nation’s health.