This substack recently covered the BigPharma-driven democide in Canada:
Today we look to Australia to confirm the global bioterror murder trends:
The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13 per cent excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.
An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid.
Just as in Canada, we see in Australia no appreciable rise in excess deaths during the “pandemic” year 2020. As soon as the slow kill bioweapon injections were forced onto Australia’s populace excess mortality surged. And it will continue to increase as the genetically modified human survivors are now walking spike protein factories, which then follows that they are all suffering in varying degrees from VAIDS; therefore, the common cold or flu can wipe these people out, and if that doesn’t do the trick then the cancer, prion-based diseases, heart damage and plethora of other adverse reactions they are cultivating will eventually take them out as per the data coming in now.
Of course, One World Government-captured nations like Australia have the perfect rationalizations for their bio-carnage:
…the Australian parliament was currently holding an inquiry into “Long Covid”, but that excess mortality likely fell outside the committee’s terms of reference.
In other words, “Long Covid” is VAIDS, and “excess mortality” is a function of DEATHVAX™ uptake.
As written about yesterday, this entire PSYOP-19 program was a DoD operation that involved the CIA and their various assets like the CCP’s Wuhan Virology Lab which deliberately leaked the gain-of-function virus that Fauci’s partner in crime Ralph Baric cooked up at the university of North Carolina in order to foist the far more murderous bioweapon upon the planet.
Do NOT comply.
The long lockdowns in Australia were ending when overseas travel was promoted on TV. Unvaccinated were still banned from shops, pubs etc, except for emergency. Some of my Friends weakened and got shot in order to be able to socialise, go shopping and travel after being locked down for so long. Also vax mandates for employment except for some private enterprise or self employed.
People are mortgaged to the eyeballs thanks to the overvalued property market which is now declining with rising interest rates accompanied by soaring energy costs blamed on Russia when Australia is so energy rich! - importation is so outrageously foolish! This is now losing Australia billions per year for its budget. The next Federal election can’t come soon enough. The ambos for a sustained period recently were unusually frequent on the road. It’s quietened down the last week or two which is good. Definitely a lot going on. The truth is now hitting the fan. The WHO now has adds about the extreme right wing, murderous antivaxers out to kill you. 😂F*ck off
The figures are not surprising and are, l think, not representative of the true facts. I think to release those would inevitably bring about mass hysteria and civil unrest. The people whose totalitarian governments have “applied pressure” to “sup from the poison chalice” are now tragically realising, as they watch friends, family and loved ones die, that it is only a matter of time for them too. Those who DID NOT COMPLY are organising a sophisticated, extremely well-co-ordinated and unprecedented FIGHT BACK. WE WILL WIN my friends for if we do not it will be the end of our planet.