Keep in mind that “Washington and NATO” operate under control of the Deep State.

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Excellent, inclusive and accurate overview of our dishonorable post 1991 operations re Russia. Only it is even worse. For instance, the Clintons effectively sub-contracted our US Air Force to the KLA/CKU to secure the resource rich Kosovo, via massive bombing of illegal non-military civilian Yugoslavia targets [documented]. Objectives: KLA/CKU ‘ownership’ of Kosovo, control of rich Kosovo natural resources, and major permanent US military footprint. Who were and (?) are the KLA/CKU? Major international Terrorist, Narcotics, White Slave trafficking, Human Organ trafficking, etc., and major ally of the Clintons and Joe Biden (who was heavily involved, and from which he and his family ‘may’ continue to benefit). It was our International Criminal and US Constitution violations attack on Yugoslavia, which nation had saved many downed US air crews during WWII, that turned many very pro-US Russian citizens against US. That war proved again the perfidy of our politicians, proved again that our word, as a nation, is worthless, due to those whom we put in office.

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