@2ndSmartestGuy Account LOCKED for Violating The Twitter Rules [Update: New Account: https://twitter.com/2ndSmartest]
My burgeoning twitter account has been locked for the following “offense”:
This is the actual tweet which is technically a retweet with quote of another retweet with quote of a deranged Death Cultist that will no doubt be subjecting himself to a 7th DEATHVAX™ injection in short order:
Therefore, there is no possible way I have abused or harassed the account in question since there was no direct interaction with said Death Cultist.
Stupidity and being “wildly” DEATHVAXXED™ finally caught up with Brent Ozar; he is a dead man walking, and there is no abuse or harassment in these factual statements.
Twitter now wants my private information in order to unlock the account. (It is not “my” account since these brainless technocommunists have illegally subverted my free speech rights, perverted language and meaning, and as such are the true owners of all twitter accounts.)
I will naturally offer twitter total noncompliance.
Do NOT comply.
New twitter account up: https://twitter.com/2ndSmartest
I was permanently suspended in January 2021. I am just a grandmother in Tennessee who cares about her kids and grandkids. I got no warning. No chance to appeal. I had been on Twitter almost since it launched and had never had so much as a warning. It’s a communist cesspool and good riddance to it.